Thursday, April 11, 2024

An Uncommon Oversight

Hick has been off the hook here for FIVE WHOLE DAYS! I don't know how I could have let that happen! I don't mean he's been off the actual hook, out of the oft-occupied doghouse. Only that his shenanigans haven't been reported here. So of course I must rectify that oversight.

Don't worry about ol' Val. I don't have to scrounge for such material. There's a backlog! A cache. A cornucopia. An virtual old-fashioned root cellar, fully stocked. Today, we need only hearken back to Easter Sunday. Surely you didn't think I was done complaining about Hick when his top-heavy salad was criticized, allowing him to feast on the top 5 layers of the 7-layer-salad, leaving behind most of his lettuce and green onions.

Nope! There was more! More of nothing. Explicitly, more of Hick DOING nothing.

When Hick got up and left the table while The Pony and I were still laughing and consuming our feast, he left this behind. Because, you know, the waitress will get it. Never mind that I had all the dishes to wash by hand, as I'd done numerous sinks full while preparing the meal for two days. Never mind that when Hick stood up from the table, all he had to do was pick up those dishes, turn to his right, and set them on the kitchen counter beside the sink. IS THAT SO HARD??? It must be, for Hick. 

It's not as if I expected Hick to wash his own dishes. But the common courtesy of picking up his own empty plate would have garnered him a positive mention here! 

Don't mind the bags of bags hanging on Hick's chair(s). They don't bother me. They require no effort. They just hang around, heh, heh, until Hick takes them to his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) for bagging his re-sold merchandise. I'm not sure what's in his Merry Christmas bag, either. It doesn't concern me. Just that empty plate.

Hick might have at least left a couple dollars for the busboy and dishwasher...


  1. This is what comes of eating at senior centres and casinos where waitresses DO come and clear away after you. He's come to think of it as his right to just get up and walk away.

    1. He tries this tactic at his recliner, but I leave his empty soda bottle and snack wrappers there. So he picks them up the next morning, to allow room for more when he gets home.

  2. Oh, Hick. Doesn't he know you by now?? My husband leaves his dirty dishes on the table, no matter what. Now I ask him if he is done with his food. Usually is, but the dirty dishes don't make to the sink unless I do that. Grrr.

    1. It's not even like Hick would have to take an extra step. Just pick up the dishes, turn, and set them down. I don't think that's asking too much to spare him from my ill will, and my feeling that he is taking advantage of me.

  3. As they say... "A woman's work is never done." Now we know why:)

  4. At least he pushed his chair in.

  5. The money left for you could turn out to be a good thing. Yes, the seniors have spoiled him.

    1. I suppose it could, IF Hick left any money for me!

  6. I have often smiled at HeWho while handing him the plate I prepared to his liking and say," Hi, my name is Kathy and I will be your server. Please remember to tip!" He used to laugh, now he just ignores me!
