Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Hick, the Merchant of Good Will

Oh, no! Val has misspoken! She must set the record straight, and hope that the long arm of the law is extra-long this time. Shh...was that a siren? Am I headed to the Crossbars Hilton for violating the Truth in Blogging Law? Will one of you bake me a cake with a file in it? Rainbow Chip, please. In case the file doesn't get through, I can still enjoy some delicious cake!

Here's the deal. Last week, I revealed that Hick bought a Goodwill gift (along with a do-gooding stranger) for a Down's Syndrome girl (age 21) who visits his Storage Unit Store. I mistakenly called that Goodwill gift a Wonder Woman DOLL. Well. That shows how closely I listen to Hick. It was actually a Wonder Woman GLASS! I know, a $12 glass. No wonder my mind couldn't wrap around that. Anyhoo...it was a Wonder Woman glass, from 1975.

Hick put the glass on a shelf in his Storage Unit Store. Sunday, the girl came in with her mom and dad. Hick said, "I have something for you, but you'll have to look and find it." Her mom told her to go in and look around.

"I found it!"

"Go tell him, so you can have it."

"I found it!"

"Okay. Let me tell you, I got this for you, and another man I don't even know helped me pay for it. He wanted to make sure you got it."

The girl picked up the glass. She loved it. She told her mom, about Hick, "I love him as a friend!"

The mom told the girl, "This glass is extra special. It's from 1975, and that's the year I was born."

The whole family was happy as could be. So was Hick. And somewhere, so was that other guy.


  1. Aww, Hick made me smile and it isn't even 6am yet. I'm going back to bed in a minute, had to get sleepy again after being woken up by what sounded like a neighbour smashing a table into splinters, at 1.48am!

    1. The only solution for that is to still be UP at 1:48 a.m. Let's hope Hick gave you sweet dreams when you re-slumbered.

  2. Aww gee whiz, you usually make me laugh. This time I shed a tear.

    1. I assure you, that was not my intention! Just reporting the facts in a follow-up story. I guess that proves truth is more maudlin than thinly-veiled fiction.

  3. What! There is a Truth in Blogging Law? Is embellishing for the sake of making boring stuff less boring allowed?

    I declare a three day moratorium of picking on Hick...He is clearly a really good dude!

    1. What are you, some kind of scofflaw? I suggest you seek out the statutes of the Truth in Blogging Law, and toe the line before trouble comes down the pike.

      I suppose a certain level of embellishment is permitted. Of course I would never do such a thing! A slight bit of exaggeration once or twice over the years, maybe.

      OH. MY. GOSH. A THREE day moratorium??? After I spent a week earlier in the month giving Hick almost 50 percent positive coverage? You might as well ask for the moon. Or expect me to type with both arms tied behind my back. I will try, but no promises...

  4. Big smile on that one, Hick done good. :-)

    1. Hick has his moments, though I would pump the brakes on terming him a Father Teresa.

  5. Does the truth in blogging law adhere strictly to every detail? If so I might be in big trouble. If I need a defense team, perhaps you could help me out!! Hick did a good thing. My Kevin is in the hospital with blood clots, yes plural,in his lungs and legs. HeWho offered to let Kevin's mentally challenged 60 year old brother ride to the hospital with us. He can be challenging, this brother who mentality varies from 7 to 12 years old. I was annoyed at first because I so rarely go anywhere with my husband. I got over it quick. He was just so appreciative of every little thing. He was thrilled to go out to eat with us. It feels good to make someone happy with so little effort.

    1. Here's the first piece of advice. A tactic of which my students were unaware. If somebody asks if you did something, do NOT immediately shout out, "You can't prove it was me!"

      Hopefully, your Kevin will get those clots dissolved. I got shots of heparin, and a prescription for Xarelto.

      Good for HeWho! I'm glad Kevin's brother was able to enjoy the outing. If he was in this area, Hick would probably be picking up knick-knacks for him, too.

  6. No matter how much he irks you he is a sweet guy.

    1. No arguments here. Hick is very sweet to everyone else. I might not give him a fair shake, because every couple of weeks, I'm pretty sure he is trying to kill me...
