Monday, January 20, 2020

Hick's Joints Are, Apparently, Relapsable

Hick had been feeling better on Saturday, but Sunday he came home from his Storage Unit Store early. At 11:20 a.m.! He always stays until after the church crowd. But here he was, moaning that his knee and hip really hurt. Looks like he's had a relapse of his malady. He said it felt like that time he had an infection in his knee joint fluid, and the doctor used a LONG needle to drain it out.

His knee is not swollen, nor is it red. He says it sometimes makes a crunchy sound. I propose that he overworked the knee when helping an old friend move, earlier in the week, by carrying furniture up and down stairs. Not a normal activity for him. AND, he knelt on it while fiddling with the motor thingy in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom. Also, I propose that in protecting that knee, Hick changed his stride, and that aggravated his hip. I am not a doctor. Just a proposer. If he's not better in a few days, Hick will go to the doctor.

Anyhoo...I'm sure that Hick's malady was not helped by hanging out in a storage unit Sunday morning, at 26 degrees. He ended up in the La-Z-Boy, covered with an afghan knitted by an old family friend in Alaska over 30 years ago. Fortified by a garlic bologna sandwich with pepper jack cheese, and some off-brand ruffles potato chips, he was strong enough to be a crotchety old man. I made an escape to town, leaving him to switch channels between the KC Chiefs playoff game, and the Barrett Jackson Auto Auction. Of course, first I had to find his auction channel, since he had no idea of the number or the name. VELOCITY, for anyone interested. Channel 246 on DISH.

Anyhoo...I think I caught Hick in a nap when I returned, because he was a little out of it, and congenial. I'm not sure what he's going to think when I show him what I got today in town.

That's a moneybag symbol, which means WIN ALL. Or as Hick calls it, a winnell. I spent some of my as-yet-unhatched chickens (in the form of lottery winnings) on a $10 ticket.

That's another $100 winner! So...over the past four days, I've had two $100 winners, and a $1000 winner.

I'm pretty sure this gravy train is due to end soon. Or clog my arteries.


  1. I just today passed a business that was something about storage auction stote. So does your husband have a business or does he just sell from his unit.

    I had cortisone injected into my knee, under the kneecap when I fell on it. Now, I want some silver put in there.

    Your luck is amazing.

    1. Hick has an "unofficial" business. He sells from his storage unit, which is in a fenced-in, camera-monitored, compound of three double-sided rows of storage units. It becomes a flea market on Friday/Saturday/Sunday.

      Vendors without units there can pay $10 and park in the middle of the gravel lot and sell all day. Hick and his buddies don't like this at all, because customers think the One-Dayers have better stuff, and go there first, sometimes spending their money before getting to the regulars. Hick rotates his inventory often, for repeat business.

      I'm glad the cortisone helped your knee. I don't think Hick got any. Taking the fluid out helped last time.

      I do have lucky streaks. But I also have losing streaks. I'll ride this one as long as I can!

  2. Has Hick been in tick areas lately? Lyme? Probably not, but I play a Doctor on blogs.

    1. The entire Greater Backroads area is a tick area! Hick thought he might have had Lyme back when we lived in my $17,000 house. Had a bite with a "target" appearance. I think his doctor did a blood test. He's not on any Lyme medication. Too cold right now for fresh ticks.

      I don't mind you playing doctor on the blogs, but don't be sending us a bill for your services!

  3. May I suggest you tip that gravy boat and pour a little my way? Please? Or should I be asking Even Steven?

    1. I can tip the gravy boat of luck your way. IF it can flow downhill to the equator, then maybe it can cross over to your hemispheres with the ocean currents.

  4. P.S. I think your proposing about Hick's knee is spot on and perhaps he should wear a knee support for a while.

    1. I will recommend that. I'm sure Hick has one from one of his original 18 storage units.

  5. When arthritis flares it is very painful I feel for Hick.

    1. Yes, Hick has been saying his joints are more painful over the past few days. I think he extra-aggravated the knee, though.
