Sunday, March 24, 2024

Well, Surprise, Surprise

Another text from The Pony on Saturday afternoon:

"Same house. That's a nope."

"OMG! A pack awaits!"

"One is leashed, one is a puppy, two are loose."

"Still, two against one plus a satchel."

Seriously, why would somebody leash ONE dog, and not the other three? Is that one the biter? Doesn't make sense. All or nothing should be the rule.

In other news, Hick sent me a text at 3:18:

"I have  surprise for you when I get home."

Well. That's a warning or a blessing!

"That's good. Will it affect supper? I'm thawing some peas."

"No. It won't."

Huh. So it could be news of something we've been fretting about or looking forward to. Or it could be a treat somebody gave him. You never know with Hick. He thinks I'm a mind reader, though sometimes he doesn't give me much to read.

This time it was a GOOD surprise! Hick brought me two halves of a soft pretzel! That's on a small paper plate, not the large version.

When he brought it home for the reveal, I had already put some generic store brand sour cream and cheese potato chips in a bowl for my snack with a Diet Shasta Cola for a treat while scratching my lottery tickets. I promptly poured that bowl of chips back into the bag.

Hick's treat was delicious. I was planning to have the other half later, since those soft pretzels get rock-hard if you save them until the next day.

In other news... Hick took the individual bag of flavored popcorn that he had "given me" a few days earlier. That's okay. The picture on the bag showed that it was drizzled with chocolate and peppermint. Probably left from Christmas. And I'm not a big fan of peppermint.

Hick's was a nice surprise. The Pony's text was no surprise at all.


  1. It seems like the neighbor's who cannot get mail delivered would put some pressure on the folks with loose, dangerous dogs. Of course, that type person would not be persuaded to do what is right. I could give you all the pretzels that come my way.

    1. The neighbors are probably too afraid of the dogs to approach the owners! In the previous case, the neighbors complained a lot to the city officials, and to the post office. That's how the solution of the outside post office boxes came to be. Since that neighborhood was close to the post office, people could pick up their mail anytime with their key, and not have to pay for a PO Box, or ask at the counter during business hours. Still not as convenient as the home delivery they deserved, but a workable compromise. Those boxes are part of The Pony's route.

      I love a soft pretzel! I should have made myself a mustard dipping sauce, but it was good just by itself. The salt clung to it nicely.

  2. I meant to comment on yesterday's post but can do it here, as well. I enumerated for the city when I was about 20 years old. No car, so rode a bike. This was before internet and personal computers etc. All I had was a clipboard, with forms to fill out, as I went door to door. At one house, I could see the people in their big picture window, and out of nowhere, comes a huge German Sheppard and he was not there to greet me. He clomped onto my arm. Fortunately, I had a heavy coat on that day, so I only got bruises all around it. No satchel but I kept my bike in between us and when he came in for round two, I bopped him with my clipboard. The people made no effort to stop him. I managed to get away, pushing my bike between me and the dog and he wasn't quite as aggressive after getting bopped on the snout. I quit the next day and started a different job the following week. I think of that when you share The Ponys experiences. Ranee (MN)

    1. It's amazing how much pressure dog jaws have. Then again, they crack bones to eat, so maybe not actually amazing when you think about it. You were lucky to have that coat! Coat is the old satchel, snout-bopping clipboard is the old dog spray!

    2. The people made no effort to stop him?? That's just wrong!

  3. Good for Hick! I'm surprised he didn't eat them on the way home, though.

    1. Oh, Hick did not go without! There was enough that Hick consumed a pretzel (half or whole, he did not say) while at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2).

  4. I have never had a soft pretzel, I don't think we even have them here, it does look delicious.
    Even just standing there, those dogs look vicious. I don't think I have seen an off-leash dog since the last time I went to the beach and a gorgeous golden retriever girl came bounding out of the water to say hello to me. Her owner was right there and told her to sit which she did right after shaking water all over me. Most beaches here require on-leash dogs but there are certain times of day when off-leash is allowed, usually about an hour at dawn.

    1. I think this guy got them in the town where Hick used to work, from a chain called Philly Pretzel Factory. We can buy frozen soft pretzels, which are smaller, and good enough. It's hard to get the salt to stick when heating them up.

      Your laws must be better-enforced! It does no good for Backroads to have laws and fines if nobody enforces them. Those dogs look like a pack, ready to defend their territory. It's what dogs do. No good will come of them running loose in town.

  5. I love soft pretzels, that would be a treat to be thankful for! Can the Pony carry pepper spray? I keep treats in my pocket at my son's house because I am afraid of his dog. Most dogs like me. I figure they recognize the fact that I am a dog lover. Zeus wants to maintain his alpha role, I suppose.

    1. The Pony has the USPS-issued dog spray. I don't know if he's allowed any other kind, but who would know unless he had to use it, and surely that would be justified after his bite record. Workers on Reddit say that an air horn they get from Amazon works better than the dog spray. It startles and scares the dogs, and makes them wary the next time.

      Our UPS lady used to toss dog treats, and our dogs loved her. It's not like she had a walking route where they would follow her, though.
