Saturday, March 30, 2024

Senior Center Bingo, the Big Farm Upstate for Unwanted Gifts

Hick's latest Senior Center bingo "prices" were going to be yesterday's top story here at Val's cathouse, until The Pony suffered his newest dog bite. I doubt Hick minds being pushed from the headlines. I'm sure The Pony would gladly jump in the wayback machine if he could avoid being the news.

Anyhoo... Hick, much like a cat leaving mutilated tiny corpses on the porch in front of the door, proudly left me a text crowing about his win(s).

"My bingo winnings today. Won twice."

"A card, candle, and blanket?"

"Body lotion card and blanket."

"Why do you have a card? It looks like a sympathy card."

"It's a metal sign. Looks like a card."

I can't read what the sign/card says. I would swear that jar was a candle, but apparently Hick now has body lotion to sooth himself. And more preventative equipment for hypothermia. The jar says AROMATHERAPY. And eucalyptus spearmint. It's a sugar body scrub for stress relief. I think just seeing Hick slathered in that stuff would relieve MY stress, heh, heh!

As always, such an odd conglomeration of "prices" at Hick's Senior Center bingo.


  1. At least he'll smell nice. And the card says "Walk by faith, not by sight." Guess it's some kind of Easter greeting.

    1. Thanks for the decipher. I could not get a visual on that message. I'm not sure Hick will be using the body scrub. If it said it would relieve pain, he might.

  2. I still think some of those prizes are unwanted, unused items from other peoples gift baskets. Maybe not the blankets.

    1. I agree, somebody donated those items to REGIFT them! Still, it's better to get something than nothing.

    2. I cannot post a comment, so I will put my comment into a reply:
      Maybe one of you slathering that on the other will relieve stress of one or both of you.

    3. Yeah, NO! That would multiply my stress tenfold! Hick would find a way to coat my hair with it, or blind me on accident so I can't see what he's up to most days. I'd slather it on Hick if I thought it might make him more manageable.
