Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A True Maintenance Man at Heart

Just in case you're on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what picture Hick took of the airport in France when he went to get Pizza Hut for supper...I present:
"If M.C. Escher Designed an Airport."

Okay. Maybe it's just me. But something about that photo (quite good, in my opinion, though I'm sure Genius would beg to differ) taken by Hick reminds me of M.C. Escher's "Relativity."

No. Val does not have a trained eye when it comes to photography or art. In fact, her eye is so untrained that it needs to be sent to obedience school, kept on a leash, swatted with a newspaper, and watched diligently to prevent inappropriate piddles on the carpet.

Try as I might, I can't find fault with Hick on this phone photo. Except for the fact that he was in FRANCE. And took a picture of the inside of the airport.

Apparently, you can take the maintenance man out of the facility, but you can't take the facility out of the maintenance man.


  1. Are you SURE Hick went to France? Escher is Dutch. I think Escher said, "One man's ceiling is another man's floor," long before Paul Simon.

    1. The credit card bills say that Hick went to France. I knew Escher was Dutch. I can read Wikipedia, by cracky! I just thought that if a German from Switzerland can act as Hick's French interpreter...surely Escher would have been capable of designing a French airport.

  2. So THAT was your souvenir from France... the photo of the airport.

    And you intimated that Hick was not a romantic fool!

    1. Sioux,
      Hick could have at least printed it out for me.

      Well...I was half wrong. You can guess which half.

  3. Kind of looks like Bernie Sanders lecturing Hillary on the lower level. The snapshot does remind me of Relativity.

    1. That might be Bernie, but those ankles are not found on Hillary. I will call Hick's airport photo "Hickativity."

  4. Big fan of M.C. Escher. There is a similarity between the two pictures.

    1. Good. Now my untrained eye can curl up and take a nap without fear of having its nose rubbed on that picture.

  5. It IS a pretty good picture, though. But very few humans in that huge airport.

    1. Yeah. Not sure what time that was locally for Hick. I'm sure everybody else was out taking pictures of their hotel bathroom, rather than hanging around the airport eating Pizza Hut.
