Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Pony Tries to Pay an Unknown Debt to The Universe

Regular readers are aware that The Pony has suffered of late. From being force-fed a poo sandwich by The Universe. The Pony did not wish to strap on such a feedbag. That poo sandwich was no small thing. More like a three-foot-long SuperBowl sub! Stuffed with canine chompings, attic-squirrel scamperings, skinned knees, and a rain of carcass maggots!

My nerves were jangled Saturday morning when a text came in from The Pony. It was around 11:00 a.m. So before the part of The Pony's route where the most vicious canines roam. 

"Good deed done for the day! A guy found one of the other carriers. They called me asking if he could come get a letter early so he could deposit the check before the bank holiday. I handed it to him just now. It was from a law firm. So hopefully a big one."

"That's a good deed indeed!"

"I kept trying to say no, but he was insistent on giving me twenty dollars! Which is also why I think it's a big check."

"Good karma!"

Let the record show that banks around here close at noon on Saturdays. And that Monday is Memorial Day, which is a bank holiday, and also a holiday for most businesses.

The Pony agreed to do the good deed without any inkling of receiving a reward. Hope it wasn't the much-denied Postal Inspector!!!


  1. That was very kind of the Pony to do that. Going out of his way to help out someone. We don't see much of that, much less a postal employee. Kudos!! Ranee (MN)

    1. Yes, it was not something that The Pony would be expected to do, and it would slow him down a bit. So just being helpful for no other reason than he was asked politely.

  2. Hooray! I agree with The Pony. I'm sure that was a big check indeed for the recipient if he was insistent on giving The Pony $20.00. I hope The Pony's "Good karma" sticks around for him.

    1. The Pony is overdue for some good karma! I agree that this piece of mail must have been very important to the recipient.

  3. My 94 yo neighbor lived for the mail. It was icy out and she would try to walk down her driveway to the road to get it. So, I found a WM bag, drove around until I found the mailman and asked if he could put her mail in the bag and put it on her doorknob. He said that was not his job. I begged. Then, I said it would not hurt him nearly as much as it would her to fall and break her hip. He snatched the bag and did the favor. I had to be at school miles away, so could not do the favor myself. Not all mailpersons are so kind as your son.

    1. The Pony has a soft spot for the elderlies. Like when he helped that last old lady and he fell in her driveway and skinned his knee. He will respond to a polite request, if it doesn't put him in danger. He is paid for his time, whether he finishes in 8 hours or is a bit over.

  4. The Pony earned every cent of that $20 Karma.

    1. Yes. The Pony agreed to help that customer, with no thought of getting a reward.

  5. As much as I would like to believe that most people would have done the same, I know it isn't true! Good for The Pony, doing a nice thine thing without expecting anything in return.

    1. It does seem to be uncommon these days, especially from people of The Pony's generation.
