Friday, May 24, 2024

The Cheatingest Store That Ever Cheated

One of these days, Val is going to go postal. Sorry, Pony, for that reference! I don't actually intend to go HAM with a weapon. Only to hold up the line until I get the sale price that was marked in the store. I am tired of being cheated! I need to grow a backbone, and stand up for my pocketbook.

Thursday, I was over in Sis-Town for errand day, and stopped in Country Mart for bananas and anything they might have in the hot case or deli for our supper. I was lucky to find Hick's Diet Mountain Dew on sale, 3-for-$11. AND I got the last three six-packs of it!

Unfortunately, I also made an error in trusting that store to honor their sale prices. When I was in the produce section for bananas, I noticed that the giant baking potatoes were $1.19 each. That's not really a bargain, since they used to have them for 80 or 90 cents each on their special. But still, I was willing to pay $1.19 each so we could have our homemade Terrible Tater with pulled pork. 

At the only open checkout, a young guy was being trained at the register. When he got to my potatoes, he put them on the glass weighing thingy. I immediately said, "They were marked $1.19 each." Well. Far be it from ME, the customer, to suggest a solution to that guy's blank look. The gal training him picked up the cheat sheet that has pictures of all the produce items. He rang it up, but I didn't know for how much. 

There were people behind me, and I just paid and wheeled my cart out to T-Hoe. Where I discovered, in recording my purchase from the receipt, that he had charged me PER POUND on those potatoes. A price of $3.63, rather than the $2.38 they should have cost me. That's the value of another whole potato, and more!

No. I did not limp my knees back inside and demand a refund. These cheaters are on the cusp of triggering the ire of Val Thevictorian. Making her hold up a line and question their tactics, even if it means calling someone over to void the transaction and start again.

It can't be an accident that their registers are not programmed for their sale prices...

These were clearly GIANT BAKING POTATOES! You can see the size compared to a jar of dill pickle spears:

That is obviously a giant baking potato! Not in a bag, just loose. From a bin marked "$1.19 each."

I don't so much blame the young guy who was training, but the trainer herself should have known better. Know your specials for the week, even if they are not programmed properly into the register!

The Man continually finds a way to cheat Val Thevictorian.


  1. When I wonder if an item will ring up correctly I take a photo of the price tag so I can show the cashier.

    1. That's a good plan, if you have an inkling there might be shenanigans at the register. I had no reason to believe that they wouldn't be prepared to honor their advertised price.

  2. I'm sorry. I've been lethargic about reading blogs and I went back and read the one about the maggots after this one. Now I can't face a potato.

    1. The potatoes are innocent! It's Hick and the squirrels that are guilty! I am looking forward to our Terrible Taters stuffed with pulled pork. And maybe topped with shredded cheddar and sour cream, with a dill pickle spear on the side.

  3. I make a note on the receipt, save it until I go back or have several mis-rung items. I do get every penny I am owed. It looks like the potato rang up at $1.79? That's not even the $1.19. Right? Or, did I read wrong your post in my sinus malaise?
    Thinking about white potatoes with shredded cheese after maggots is gross.

    1. They charged me $3.63 for two potatoes, which should have been $1.19 each, or $2.38 for the two of them. Charged 2.03 pounds of potatoes at $1.79 per pound, rather than honoring their sign that said $1.19 each.

      I don't see how the potatoes with cheese relate to the maggots. It's two separate posts, on different days. Totally different subjects.

    2. I don't understand the math, but I am ill.
      They are both white--potatoes and maggots. The shredded cheese could look like maggots. I am gagging at everything.

  4. Pictures aren't showing on any of the blogs I read so I can't see the potato size, but I can say I would have limped back in right away and demanded the correct price and the refund. The trainer should have made sure the checker entered it correctly.

    1. You must be a more energetic limper than I, who did not feel like the $1.25 overcharge was worth another trip back in and a wait in line.

      The trainer was barely older than the trainee. It's like high school kids run this store. She was teaching the young guy her own bad habit at ringing up produce, perhaps.

  5. You should have fallen back on your teacher skills!! You know I would have and I am not a certified teacher such as yourself. I would have watched him ring it up, already sensing a certain laziness in the trainer. Then I would have turned to the people in line behind me and told them that my transaction might take awhile, giving them the option of changing lanes. Both trainer and trainee would have been schooled in the proper way to handle a customer and to ask for help if they were confused about how to enter an item. All done with with HeWho calls that sick little smile upon my face. Rather than dreading confrontations, I seem to enjoy it.

    1. Heh, heh! I also have a sick little smile, that comes out when somebody cuts line in front of me. I fear for my life more than I desire to be right, so I keep my mouth shut. You are a warrior!

      There is only one line open every time I'm in that store. When five or six people are backed up, they bring out another from the service desk. I think maybe they have card games, or napping shelves built under their counter. There's always somebody to be called out for help.
