Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Pony Might Be Disappearing, One Layer of Flesh at a Time

Any time I get a text from The Pony during working hours, my heart starts racing. Is The Pony okay? What might have happened??? I'm not even going to specify an incident involving a roving "best-friend" of man. Not putting that out into The Universe!

Saturday, The Pony was having a good day. Temps in low 70s, sunny weather. Until...

"You can up my workplace injury counter by one!"

"Fell on a driveway, not a bite. Guess I'll smell even tastier to dogs now! Just gotta finish the next two hours with blood in the water, so to speak. Hope it doesn't ring the dinner bell for dogs!"

I hated to see The Pony's injury, but was relieved that it was "just" a skinned knee. But then I got another alarming text from The Pony.

"Not even ten minutes after I made that joke I got charged by a dog! Not bitten but woooo this went from an okay day to a painful one fast!"

I got more details from The Pony after work:

"Curse my darned feet not keeping steady on gravel! Though better me than the older lady I was taking a package to. She said her daughter won't let her go down the stairs there alone anymore since she's fallen on it too. It's just something about the gravel not setting tightly in the dirt there or the slope of the hill I guess."

This happened on Saturday. The Pony babied that knee on his day off Sunday. Then Monday morning, the reckoning arrived.

"Not so sure I can manage work but gonna try. Ended up in tears from putting on my pants. About to drive over."

"So sorry. Do you have bandaids?"

"No. It's fine. I can do this. It's bearable as long as I keep moving for now."

Well. I was over in Sis-Town, where The Pony lives, picking up some things in Country Mart shortly after 4:00. And there was The Pony at the next check-out! Off work, buying bandaids from their pharmacy section.

We walked out to T-Hoe, and I got a gander at The Pony's knee. Seeing as how The Pony was wearing shorts, not pants. There was a groove of gloopy greenish stuff. Good thing The Pony also had antibiotic ointment. That knee needs a good scrubbing, and should probably stay covered for a couple days.

Of course I didn't use the word "scrubbing" with The Pony...

As for the dog charge, The Pony said he rounded a corner and a lady was getting out of a car. Her dog was in it with her. Jumped out the door and ran at The Pony, barking. The lady hollered at the dog, and it stopped. At least SOMEBODY in Backroads knows how to control her pet.


  1. Oh man, poor Pony! That mail delivery route holds all kinds of dangers.

    1. I almost expect a giant rock ball rolling after The Pony like Indiana Jones!

  2. Tell him to soak it, then use peroxide and keep a bandaid on until it heals! If I saw that coming in the door of the ER, I would give a good scrubbing. The scrubbing part is easier when you soak it first.

    1. I don't think The Pony has peroxide. He's been resisting submerging it, I suppose because it hurts. The two deepest gouges definitely need a scrubbing. As long as he puts on the ointment to keep it moist, and keeps it covered, I think it will be okay. The Pony slipped in the shower this morning and bumped it, and much oozing ensued. Which is probably a good thing.

  3. I am so sorry for The Pony! at least the dog was under control. I got charged by one yesterday, unusual for these parts, but the owner or trainer had it on a short leash and and held it back. it was snarling and yapping at me as I walked past. If not for the leash I'd have worried a LOT!
    Good thing The Pony bought bandaids, did he get extra large to carry with him on his rounds?

    1. That would be quite scary if it acted that way on a leash. Usually they will just run and bark to warn you to stay away. Except when they don't! And BITE!

      The Pony bought two boxes of 10 bandaids. The large rectangle kind. I hope he takes at least half a box along in his work bag.
