Thursday, May 2, 2024

If Anything Can Go Wrong...

I had an important financial appointment with The Pony on Wednesday. Hick was going at 1:00, with an actual appointment. I was going to pick up The Pony, and swing by later, just to sign papers, and not have to sit through a bunch of legalese. 

My plan was to leave home at 12:30, pick up The Pony between 1:00 and 1:15, and be at the office by 1:30. Perfectly doable, despite the blacktopping taking place on our county blacktop road. I allowed time for delays.

I was in the garage at 12:25. Decided that maybe I should take my cane, just in case my knees were feeling contrary. Better safe than sorry. I opened A-Cad's door to get it, and saw NO CANE! Then I remembered that I had used it to get into the house after our last trip to the casino. So I closed T-Hoe's back passenger door, where I had planned to place the cane. Back inside I went. Up the porch steps, dogs romping around me, thinking they were getting their return-home treat, AND another going-away snack. 

Cane in hand, I hobbled down the porch steps again. Started T-Hoe, and heard the CHIME CHIME CHIME alert. Huh. What was THAT about? I looked at the dashboard. It was running through all the things that need servicing. I checked the other notifications. Huh. Now ANOTHER tire sensor must have gone bad, because it said I had --- pressure in BOTH rear tires instead of just one. Also, the oil life was at 18 percent left. Note to Hick.

As I went up the driveway, I decided that maybe I ought to check those warnings again. I turned off T-Hoe, and restarted. CHIME CHIME CHIME. Aha! Rear passenger door ajar! So I got out and walked around to see that I had closed the door, but not all the way. It would not have swung open. But I needed to push it all the way to stop the chiming. At least I saw that the rear tires did, indeed, have air in them as I walked around.

I arrived at The Pony's house at 12:59. Good thing I allowed extra time. We were chatting for a  moment when The Pony's phone rang. It was Hick, saying we could get there any time, that the papers were ready. So we cut our conversation short and drove a couple miles back to the office

When we walked in, the lady in charge greeted us by saying, "Oh, no! You're not going to believe this..."

More details tomorrow.


  1. Oh no, you left us with a cliff hanger:) Those chimes are annoying aren't they? I know they're nice alerting us when something needs doing but still, they're annoying.

    1. Mixed feelings on the chimes. Good sometimes, like when a tire is actually going flat. Annoying the rest of the time, like when Hick won't put on a seatbelt sometimes for a short ride on the gravel road.

      We've been dangling over the cliff for months now, but I'm still sorry to put you through it for one day, heh, heh!

  2. I love the dogs' assessment of the situation. Now, a cliffhanger?

    1. Dogs, like a honey badger, don't care! Their only concern is for their bellies.

      I could have continued, but the post would have become unwieldy. Entering TLDR territory. Too Long; Didn't Read.

    2. I understood. But, as an English major, I will read anything.

    3. If only everyone could enjoy my verbosity to your extent!

  3. You went through a lot to get to the appointment, I wonder what she will tell you "you are not going to believe this!"

    1. You can find out Friday morning at 8:00. But don't think it will end there!

  4. Oh I do hate a cliffhanger! At least this isn't like the season finale of a tv series where I'd have to wait a whole year to find out what's happening in the next season.

    1. Sorry, but there's no such thing as a simple tale for Val. At least it's only 24 hours. And will eventually lead to a naked man...
