Sunday, May 12, 2024

I'm Pretty Sure I Don't Even Have to Try

Perhaps you recall that I am pretty sure Hick is trying to kill me. Sometimes it's multiple times a week, sometimes he goes a month or two between attempts. Well. IF Val ever had a desire to jump-start Hick's demise, she wouldn't have to lift a finger.

Last night, I warmed up Hick's supper of a frozen leftover noodle/chicken/pea/mushroom/Alfredo sauce concoction. I had thawed it in FRIG II overnight. Warmed it in a pan on the stove. It was a portion a little more than one serving, but not quite two. I had planned some tuna salad for myself. I told Hick he could eat all he wanted, and that if some was left, he might want to take it in his lunch to his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) on Sunday.

Hick ate most of it, and came in with his leftover leftovers to put them in a foil packet for the next day's lunch. He has a mini fridge there, and has said before that he warms leftovers on top of a heater. Well. The temps have been in the upper 70s, so I doubt Hick wants to turn on his heater. My curiosity was quenched when Hick said,

"I'll warm that up on the dash of my truck."

"WHAT? You'll get food poisoning! You can't do that!"

"I'll keep it in my refrigerator until I'm ready to warm it. Then I'll take it out to the truck. It will be fine."

Am I the only one who sees food poisoning in Hick's future?


  1. Oh boy, I've never heard that one before. Ha!

    1. This morning, I questioned Hick's cooking method again. Maybe he remembers his bout with the frozen Linguine with Clam Sauce dinner. Because Hick said he might just eat these leftovers cold.

  2. Cold leftovers in this case is a good idea.

    1. I agree. Less chance of food poisoning!

  3. Oh, no, no problem. I have a former colleague who was a hunter. When he would leave Phoenix to go to the high country he would wrap a steak or hamburgers and potatoes in foil, raw, and put it on his truck's radiator under the hood. By the time he was at his campsight and ready to eat, the food was cooked!

    1. I can understand that. The engine cooked the food. Putting it in the sun on the dashboard is asking for intestinal trouble, methinks!

    2. At least Hick changed his mind on that procedure!

  4. Even leftover left overs would be courting trouble in my opinion, but the dashboard warming idea is a really bad one.

    1. It was noodles and chicken, made about a month ago, stored in FRIG II's freezer. Then that portion was thawed overnight in FRIG II, heated in a pan for supper, and Hick put what he didn't want in foil for the next day's lunch. Other than the truck-warming idea, I don't see an issue.

  5. It's my stomach that has the issues as I get older it gets more picky about what it will accept.

    1. Well, it's not like you can trade your stomach in for a new one!

  6. Well, I can't remember what I was going to say. Oh, maybe he can fry a couple of eggs on his dash! He needs protein, after all.

    1. Yes, and Hick could probably barter some merchandise for fresh eggs!
