Tuesday, May 21, 2024

How DARE The Universe Toy With Val's Appetite!

For Mother's Day, Hick and The Pony took me to the casino. It was not a hardship for Hick, since he has a lady contact in that town who runs a pawn shop, and supplies him with merchandise for his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). We went on Wednesday, which is The Pony's day off. 

I have been cutting back when I strap on my feedbag. I checked the menu of the casino's grill where we eat when we are there gambling. They had a new item that I wanted to try. A grilled chicken wrap. Not necessarily because I thought it would be healthier than my usual pulled pork sandwich or burger, but because it was NEW, and I wanted to try it. A reward, if you will, for making those wise choices for the past few weeks.

Oh, how I obsessed over that grilled chicken wrap! Looking forward to it as much, or perhaps more, than the slot machines. I even told The Pony. Who considered it, but then chose his usual fried chicken sandwich. 

To prolong the suspense, we waited until 1:45 to have lunch. We get there at 11:00, and then play a while during Hick's off-premises visit with his pawn shop lady. Usually eating around 12:30. But this time, the grill was busy! Almost all the tables were taken up with OLD PEOPLE! Of course, it WAS the multiplier day for folks over 50. We hadn't expected a charter bus of elderlies. I think they probably blew through their money, and then sat in the grill killing time and socializing, taking up the tables. 

Anyhoo... we went to eat when some of those elderlies finally gave up their tables. It took over 20 minutes for a gal to bring our food to the table. She said, "Just tell me what everyone ordered so I can get it right."

"I had the chicken wrap."

"Oh. Uh. I'll be right back." And she was gone!

"PONY! What was on the tray?"

"I don't know! It was above my head! I couldn't see it."

The Gal returned shortly. She served The Pony a fried chicken sandwich with fries. And Hick a burger with fries. Then told me, "I'll have them make your a wrap. They made a chicken sandwich instead."

"I'll take the chicken sandwich. I'm not waiting longer for a wrap. Is the sandwich the same price?" 

"Yes. It's the same thing, only on a bun."

The chicken sandwich was okay. Tasty, actually. But NOT a wrap! Which I had been looking forward to for over a week. Hick said:

"You know, they would have just taken that back to the kitchen, and wrapped a tortilla around it."

"Maybe... but I don't like to send food back. I'm not eating any "extra" ingredients they might put in because I complained!"

Nobody can do a job right these days.


  1. Hi Val, At least now you have an excuse to return to the casino sooner rather than later. You've got to get that chicken wrap and when you do, I hope it is worth your long wait for it:)

    1. I am eager to go again, when Hick and The Pony can spare the time! Meanwhile, I can be looking forward to that chicken wrap for a while longer.

  2. Oh Dear! Perhaps next time you'll get the wrap and I hope it is good and tasty. I often wonder about sending food back, surely there's no truth in the "they'll spit in it"?? But just in case, I rarely eat out.

    1. Spit would be the least worrisome of the fluids that might be added! People are crazy these days.

      I am hoping to get another chance at that chicken wrap, before they change their menu again.

  3. I am with you on not returning food, but I hate it when my mouth is all set for something and then I get something else.

    1. It's so unfair! But common sense says you don't send it back. People are crazy these days!!! I'd rather pay for something I didn't get than risk a disease from a disgruntled psycho!
