Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Sneak Peek at the Double Hovel Beauty Shop

It's taken a while for Hick to renovate the Double Hovel flip house. He's had several irons in the fire, like the QuickFlip, and before that, his back surgery. He had decided that once the main house was updated, he would just make the Beauty Shop building into a garage. The Pony and I were not on board with that decision, seeing as how we invested in the Double Hovel with the intent of having TWO houses to offer upon resale.

Hick acquiesced with the efficiency apartment plan for the Beauty Shop. He and Old Buddy have been working on it between efforts for getting the QuickFlip ready for closing.

Here's what the Beauty Shop looked like when we bought the property:

It was actually the beauty shop where my mom used to get her hair done! When we bought it, the business had been closed for seven or more years. 

Hick put a new roof on it:

Looks black to me, but Hick says it's dark blue.

Then Hick decided to take out the side-street window, to make the living room more friendly for furniture. He will patch the vinyl siding to match.

Hick also put new windows in the front. Don't worry, the living room will have plenty of natural light. Also, Hick has replaced the original front door with a red metal door. 

It still needs fine-tuning, like painting the trim, and making the plants and "sidewalk" more appealing. But I'd say Hick hads made some major improvements for curb appeal. He's currently working on the insides.


  1. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see it when it's all done. It's so cute!

    1. The roof and red door really perked it up. It will make a nice little efficiency cottage for somebody who doesn't need a lot of room.

  2. I really want to see inside! I like the way he framed out the windows. I would get rid of the "boardwalk" and put a little porch on the front with room for a rocking chair and small table. Then I would go nuts with plants. But, that's just me!

    1. Part of the inside is coming. The bedroom is pretty much done. Not sure if Hick will do a porch, since there is a yard for people to utilize. Also not sure about plants. Hick has a couple of rock gardens here, as well as a bunch of yucca plants.

  3. That looks great. I like 'cottage' better than 'apartment.'

    1. Hick is pretty good at fixer-upping. It just looks like a "cottage" to me with that red door weird windows. Doesn't change the size, though! It's definitely an efficiency unit.
