Sunday, May 19, 2024

Once Again, Hick Falls BackRumpusWard into FREE STUFF

I'm not secretly trying to kill Hick. Really! But I forgot to lay out some frozen leftovers for him to take to his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) on Saturday, so he didn't have to skip lunch. When I got home from town that evening, I asked Hick what he had for lunch.

"Some cheese chunks. The gal at Casey's gave them to me. She gave me 8 packages of grapes and cheese and sausages."

"Were they expired? Why would she do that?"

"When I went in [to get his donuts, no doubt!] she asked me if I wanted a bottle of orange juice. I said 'sure.'"

"That will kill you! It's what they give diabetics when their blood sugar is low!"

"Oh, I'll give it to Old Buddy. He'll drink it." Said the man who bought two giant jugs of orange juice at the auction a couple months ago, and drank one.

"Was it expired?"

"No. And when I took it, she asked if I wanted some other stuff. She had just put it in the wastebasket. It was packages of grapes and cheese and little sausages. The date on it was the 21st. So I took it."

"Why would she be throwing that away? It must have been left out and got hot."

"I think they were switching out stuff in their cooler that's beside the donuts."

"I have no idea what's beside the donuts. I don't look at that stuff when I go in to buy my tickets. But this seems suspicious."

"It was already in the wastebasket before I walked in. And the date was good. She knows what time I come in there every day. So she gave it to me."

"How much do you think that was worth?"

"Oh, at least $3 a package. Or maybe more."

So we are supposed to believe that the Casey's gal gave Hick $24 or more worth of unexpired food. Next she'll be offering him swampland in Florida...


  1. Maybe she is sweet on him or just wants to kill him, hard to tell. But, stores do give good stuff to regulars. When I dumpster dived regularly, I went behind BAM and found a box full of snack packages of cracker type snack, not expired. I took the whole box and shared with friends.
    By the way, I heard of two physicians in Nashville who dumpster dived without shame. So, I figured my education would make me appear not like a homeless person. i had no
    If you ever do decide to kill him, maybe you can blame someone else.

    1. Maybe I could bribe somebody with free stuff to do the deed for me! Maybe even free stuff Hick brings home!

      When I worked at a Casey's, we had to clean out the fried chicken case at 10:00 p.m., and throw it away. We didn't close until 11:00. We'd put that chicken in a clean trash bag, and set it on top of the dumpster lid, then call one of the off-work employees who was having financial difficulties. She and her husband would come pick it up. We couldn't do that with the donuts. They had to be boxed up and marked half price for sale the next day.

      The vending machine guy at school would toss all the expired chips and crackers onto the table in the teacher workroom. They didn't last to the end of the day. Nobody loves FREE STUFF like teachers! Not even Hick.

    2. Since I was a teacher, that is why I loved free stuff even if I had to get it out of a dumpster. I found a caddy guy getting a box of produce packed for him in the middle of the day. There were two stalks of celery, several onions, several bell peppers, a head of lettuce, a cabbage, various other produce items, laid out neatly in a shallow square box. The guy was surprised when I walked up. So, someone inside was helping people get good produce. I went at night and got about $150 worth of food each week. It was amazing. I stopped because I feared I would fall and be found the next morning between dumpsters since I went along with no one to help me up.

    3. Heh, heh. My old grocery store just SOLD the expired goods at regular price! That's why I always checked their dates. I might use some things at home past the date, but I'll be darned if I'll pay full price for them!

      Funny how something is good enough to sell one day, but must be tossed in a dumpster the next. I guess the line has to be drawn somewhere.

  2. Your last comment made me laugh out loud! Good ol' Hick, it seems like everyone wants to take care of him.

    1. Hick definitely has a knack for become assorted people's pet!

  3. Hey, swampland in Florida might be a good deal. You could sell it to one of their crazy politicians and make a small fortune.

    1. Yes. Hick sold a property he didn't even own, so this would be a good deal for him!

  4. Hick must have an iron colon to take a chance with spoiled stuffs. The only dumpster dive I did was at a plant nursery where wilted plants were in the dumpster.

    1. Nowhere did I say that Hick was eating expired stuff. Only that I was suspicious as to why that gal gave away packaged food that was still within the USE BY dates.

  5. I don't know if they still do this, but Sam's Club used to give away the chickens from the rotisserie beginning an hour before closing time. Not that I was ever there and lucky enough to get one. No Sams or Costco close by us, we would have to go to Gainesville!

    1. Better than wasting them! Though not worth such a drive.
