Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I'll Give Up a Grilled Chicken Wrap For This

Val was not totally unhappy with her Mother's Day casino trip last Wednesday. Even though her much-fantasized grilled chicken wrap did not materialize, there were other perks.

Before our my disappointing lunch, The Pony was playing a Buffalo Chief slot on a kiosk. I went over to the slot on his right, just to provide company. I have never won anything on Buffalo Chief, the slot that has white buffaloes, and a bonus that adds more of them to the screen.

The Pony was having no luck, and got up from his slot. I asked if he would get me a FREE soda while I finished playing off the $20 I had just put in. The Pony agreed. While he was away, an elderly lady sat down at the slot on my left, which The Pony had just vacated. Even though there were four others around the kiosk that were unoccupied. 

I don't begrudge the elderlies their slot play. But this Elderly Lady was drenched in perfume that smelled like old people! Some kind of floral scent. I was almost gagging while having to inhale that miasma. AND the EL lit up a cigarette! Which of course sent a trail of smoke flowing like the scent of Pepe LePew right across Val's sensitive nostrils.

The Pony returned with my FREE soda. Diet Coke mixed with lemonade. He stood at my left shoulder while I finished playing out my $20, at 80 cents per spin. Except that I had just hit a bonus before he returned!

And what a bonus it was! I ended up with 53 free spins! That's a $42.40 value! Of course those bonus spins came in spurts. The Pony cheered me on. That EL did not seem happy with my success! Anyhoo... by the time it was all over, I had accumulated a nice bonus. Here's the screen showing what the game looks like, even though I only won 5 cents on the three jacks on the last spin:

Notice the 230 in the upper left. I only needed 20 more white buffaloes to max out! That would have been a single re-trigger of the free games. I'm dying to know that happens when you get ALL the white buffaloes in your bonus. Alas, that was not to be. But don't feel sorry for Val!

I won $526.35 on my 80 cent bet. I think I had fed that machine two twenties before I hit this jackpot. It's about time! I've been giving it a twenty here and there on every visit. Maybe my luck happened because they've moved this slot across the casino to the other side. You never know what random change to timing will have on your luck!

But wait! Val was about to have another nice surprise after lunch!

Playing Buffalo Gold on my favorite slot, the Wonder 4 Tall Fortunes, I hit another jackpot. It was time to leave, so Hick had to wait while it played out. Not so impressive, since I had to bet $2.40 a spin. But affordable, playing with some of my previous win. The exciting thing about this jackpot was that I had earned 12 of the 13 Buffalo Heads. Oh, well. Last time I got all 13, I hit my $8600 jackpot on a different Buffalo slot.

It was a fun day, and I left with a healthy addition to my casino bankroll. The Pony lost a minimal amount, and Hick didn't share what he won or lost. So I'm thinking it was a small loss. Hick is vocal about his wins, and about a major loss.


  1. Nice wins, congratulations. Yuk about smelly elderly ladies though, probably she can't smell how much perfume she has on because of all the smoke form her cigarettes.

    1. Thanks. Both odors were equally repulsive!

  2. You always whet my appetite for doing these. But, there is no casino near me.
    Practical Parsimony

    1. I enjoy going to the casino, but it's not for everybody. I only take money that I'm willing to lose. A portion of my casino bankroll that I've built over the years, keeping it separate from household money. Same with my lottery money.

      Without knowing when to say "when," gambling can be devasting to people who get hooked on it. There's a compulsion to try to win back your losses. If I had more money with me, I'd keep playing it! So I decide ahead of time what I'm willing to risk.

      Hick can go in with a full wallet, and quit when he reaches his loss limit. He sits down up front and plays with his phone, waiting for The Pony and I until it's time to leave. I'm not like that. If I take it, I'll play it. I set aside the big wins on a ticket, and refuse to play that back. That's how I don't leave empty-handed. But if I have cash, it's going through the machines!

  3. Yay for the win, but you paid for it by having to smell the smoke and nasty cologne. My mother-in-law was a smoker and she loved Jovan Musk. I think she thought it covered up the cigarette smell. I watched her apply the cologne once and she was more than generous in her application. It ran like sweat down her neck! Her house, her clothes and even the inside of her fridge smelled like Jovan Musk! Triggers my gag reflex!

    1. I hate it when we walk in, and the smoke hits my nose. Surely there's a way to ventilate the casino. If we can put a man on the moon in the 1960s, surely we can suck smoke out of a casino! Even if the offender is a few feet away from me.

      I would welcome Jovan Musk over the floral miasma of this woman! Makes me wonder what odor she was trying to cover up...
