Monday, October 5, 2020

More Ponytail Guy Meat-Beating

Okay, okay, okay! I KNOW I told you that "nothing beats the meat of a Ponytail Guy." But maybe it something DOES! Something like a REPEAT of meat from a Ponytail Guy! 

Hick is now the proud owner of 20 lbs of Roasted Chicken (cut into pieces, fully cooked).

Here it is, in the cooler where Hick stashed it while at the Storage Unit Store, or in The Original FRIG's freezer. I can't tell. I really hope Hick's not the one who stopped to pick up the big blue-and-white cooler by the bridge over the Big River. The lid was on the right side, under the newly-installed collapsible guardrail, and the body was under the guardrail on the left. So he would have needed to cross the road. Heh, heh! Why did the Hick 'un cross the road? To pick up the other half of the found cooler on the other side!
 Hick also got 20 lbs of Italian Sausage (like the kind added to pizzas).

Here it is in my Chinese Tupperware. That's just a portion that Hick and The Pony brought over from the BARn freezer. They wanted it in peppered gravy, on biscuits. Said it was delicious! I added some to leftover Chinese rice and Hunan Pork. Not such a great combo.

So for a couple months, we'll be living high on the hog (and chicken!), courtesy of Ponytail Buddy up at the Storage Units. From where there's a fresh story (involving neither meat, nor a ponytail guy) coming tomorrow...


  1. I don't mind a dirty watr cocktail from time to time, but I want my meat to be FDA rated.

  2. My 96 year mother would have crossed and uncrossed the road for that cooler. She loved "found items" and was not averse to dumpster diving. I think Hick would have loved her. I sure did.
    Our Chinese place has started using those blankety blank Styrofoam containers that I loathe. They staple one corner, but they still leak the sauce out. They are so cheap!😞

    1. Hick would have boosted her into the dumpster! And waited to pull her out.

      Our Chinese place uses the Styrofoam now, and THEY staple the two front corners, and the center slot thingy. I have to pry it open with a spoon. I'm always afraid a staple is going to flip into the food, and I might eat it.

    2. I know Mama would have loved Hick, too. He sounds like the kind of guy who is sweet to little old ladies. 😇
      The Styrofoam containers are almost a deal breaker for me, and they only offer rice in the little cardboard boxes now. They always put the entree in the cursed Styrofoam and then only staple ONE corner. Of course, hubby cannot bring the dang food in without swinging it somehow, so the sauce leaks out more. I've just learned to order a small container of extra sauce. What a drag. The Styrofoam box usually tears before I can get the staple undone.
      Boy, I need to get over my love for Chinese food -- I'm getting heartburn just talking about the containers!

    3. Yes, Hick is sweet to LOLs. Our Chinese place puts the rice in with the dinner, so it looks like one half the container is rice, the other the good stuff. But they have SECRETLY put rice across the bottom of the good stuff, too. About 3/4 rice.

  3. Free meat! That is always a good thing!

    1. Always! Hick is hoping for more of those sausage particles. They are my least favorite. I like the sausage links. We still haven't tried the roasted chicken. Hick thinks he might warm it up on GassyG Jr, his grill, with some BBQ sauce.

  4. I'm beginning to wonder where all this meat is coming from. Excess restaurant supply? Diverted from hospital deliveries? one does wonder..

    1. I'm pretty sure it's from the meat packaging plants who supply restaurants and maybe schools. Paid for by the government to prevent the food from being wasted, and to keep the meat companies and livestock farmers from going broke.

      They were handing out the boxes of produce earlier in the summer, so farmers didn't have to throw the stuff away and take a loss. Potatoes, carrots, oranges, apples. We just got one, that Back Creek Neighbor Bev didn't want. She was given it when she made a donation. Those boxes were passed out willy-nilly, no conditions attached, first come-first serve, at assorted locations advertised in the local on-line newspaper.

      We don't seek them out, but if somebody like Bev or Ponytail Guy gives them to us, we don't waste them.

  5. I thought that might be the case, nice to have it confirmed.

    1. I don't have concrete evidence of our local giveaways, but from what I've read, that's my best conclusion.
