Thursday, November 28, 2024

It's Hickgenuity

While cleaning out FRIG II to make room for our Thanksgiving vittles, I removed a giant bottle of Frank's Original RedHot Sauce. It was a jug, actually. A gallon. One of Hick's buddies gave it to him last summer. When Hick brought it home, it was already expired. Not by much. The date was May 2023. I kept it, because I like Frank's, and use it fairly often when I make tacos or burritos or a chicken bowl or nachos. However... I don't use a gallon. The regular glass bottle that fits in FRIG II's door can last me six months.

Anyhoo... I asked Hick to dump it for me.

"I'm setting this Frank's on the counter. Maybe you could pour it off the back porch when you leave in the morning. I need the room, and it's way too expired now. Maybe pour it by that post where the squirrels run up and down."

Hick agreed. When I went to the kitchen Wednesday morning, the jug was gone.

When I left the garage upon arriving home that afternoon, I heard Hick out back. Saw him by that post, and the fake fish pond.

"What are you doing back there?"

"Pouring out this hot sauce."

"You didn't have to walk around back! Just pour it off the porch."

"I know what I'm doing."

Hick continued as I petted Scarlett and went up the steps and round to the kitchen door. WHEW! I could really smell that hot sauce! When Hick came in, I had to ask...

"Did you pour that hot sauce ON the post? I just meant in that area."

"Yeah. I put it on the post, and around the fish pond, and in a line across the back to the other porch poles. That oughta keep them squirrels away for a while."

We'll see how it goes.


  1. I don't eat hot in any form. But, that was a huge jug and too expired. Will hot sauce repel squirrels? Too bad about the odor!

    1. We don't know if the hot sauce will repel squirrels, but I haven't seen a single squirrel on the back porch today! I don't mind the smell, because I like that brand of hot sauce. I haven't been outside today, so I don't know if it's still noticeable.

  2. Maybe those squirrels and other wildlife will develop a taste for Frank's Hot Sauce. Then you could open a zoo! 😁 Happy Thanksgiving, Val.

    1. They might learn to like it, but I don't want a zoo! Hick and the dogs are enough wildlife for me. Happy Thanksgiving to you and SWMBO, aka Judy.

  3. I'm imagining a whole family (tribe?) of squirrels with hot sauce related diarrhoea and truly hope that DOES NOT HAPPEN.

    1. At least it might lessen their appetite for dog food!
