Sunday, October 6, 2024

Hip, Hip, Hip, But No Hooray

The Pony continues to be the butt of The Universe's unfunny jokes. He has spent a week recovering from a horrific rash that popped up the day after he delivered mail for 8 hours in the pouring hurricane-remnant rains last Friday. It was only on both inner arms, and the front of his thighs, but blistery and painful. The urgent care doctor said it could have come from the friction of the wet clothing, or an incomplete rinsing of detergent. Anyhoo... after being dosed with steroids and skin cream, and one day off, The Pony was back at work.

"At least the pain is going away, and the itching. But now I have those Medicare booklets to deliver. I have three stacks, all of them hip-high. The manager said I can spread them out, that I don't have to do them all in one day."

Good to know! I'm guessing The Pony will have these delivered in several days.

Did you all get your Medicare & You 2025 handbook? They're definitely no treat for the mailman! At least they're not for every house.

If you're like us, it will probably just lie around for a while, and then I'll get a little less lazy and toss it out. Unless you're having an issue, or planning some kind of procedure, you might not have the urge to look inside at the regulations.

This publication is not svelte. Mine feels like it weighs about a pound. Imagine lugging a stack of those around on your forearm while walking various loops of an 11-mile mail route.

On the back, it says this version contains special information for Missouri. I'm assuming each state has its own version. Some thinner, some fatter, perhaps. Same as your mailmen.

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