Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hick Goes Back To Beating the Pants Off Old People

Hick got to the Senior Center on Tuesday in time to play bingo against the old people. So he was able to have some success.

"My bingo winnings"

Funny how that's not what he brought home! There was no cute little mug.

There was this bag on the table, with a wrapped popcorn ball sitting beside it. I suppose Hick got all sneaky while I was in the bathroom. Because I heard him sneezing a bazillion times, which happens right after he is done eating. 

"I guess you just finished eating something?"

"Yeah. My popcorn balls."

BALLS? Was there another one in the bag? I hadn't looked inside when I got home. Just saw the one beside the bag. So of course I looked in the bag later.

Doesn't look like much. Hardly enough to require a BAG to carry it. And where is that mug that was in the original picture? Maybe Hick went trick-or-treating on the way home!

Further interrogation is in order...


  1. That looks like a lot of candy in the bag. It would get melty in his pockets. Practical Parsimony

    1. I though so too, until I looked inside and saw just a few items. I supposed he ate some in secret. Then I found out it wasn't the candy from the mug...

  2. My guess is that Hick traded prices with some other Bingo price winner:)

    1. Hick is well-known for his bartering tactics. In fact, the Ozark Mountain Daredevils song "Horse Trader" could be about him!

      YouTube, 4:04

      However, there was another explanation. Tomorrow.

  3. So I finally found about about the senior center here. They don't have lunch. They have a basket weaving class going on currently. HeWho showed zero interest in that! Glad Hick is on a winning streak. Now I want a popcorn ball!

    1. No lunch? You could work up an appetite weaving baskets! Maybe YOU should go, since HeWho isn't interested. Hick somehow got TWO popcorn balls. Because that's how he replied when I asked what he was eating: "My popcorn balls."

  4. I want to know about that little mug too. At least he saved you a popcorn ball.

    1. WHAT? Hick did not save me a popcorn ball! Mug reveal in next post.
