Monday, November 6, 2023

Two Prizes and a Meal

Hick was back at the Senior Center on Friday, playing easy bingo against the old folks. He was proud to win a prize.

Looks like some cereal, and some non-edible decorative gourds. But wait! Hick won TWICE! His other prize was a TV themed mug like he won a couple days ago.

Also, Hick showed his lunch:

That's an open-face beef sandwich, mashed potatoes with gravy, fried brussels sprouts, and bread pudding. To me, it looks like a brown meal! Hick liked it. So I guess that's all that counts. I think they gave him extra dessert!

His cronies tried to persuade him to play sports bar bingo on Sunday night, but he turned them down. I guess that's a good thing. It's not like he thought he would win.


  1. Looks like Hick is all set with Halloween decorations for next year:) That cereal looks like something I'd like to try.

    1. I'm not sure I'd want to try pumpkin spice cereal. I'm not a pumpkin fan. This prize was definitely better than the box of tissues he won a while back!

  2. Does everyone get two proteins? His meals look better than the meals at my senior center. I like the gourds. Three boxes of cereal, and now he will have breakfast for a few days.

    1. I don't know about the proteins, but Hick's bread pudding definitely looks like a regular scoop, and then extra from the edge of the pan! I don't know what Hick has done with the cereal. Maybe he snacks on it at his Storage Unit Store. He's probably got the gourds for sale!

  3. happy he won, but the cereal ..... why does everything have have pumpkin pie spice! I like pumpkin pie spice ... in pumpkin pie. I don't want it in my coffee, in milkshakes, or the thousand other things it seems to pop up in.

  4. Pumpkin Spice on cereal? That's just a step too far in my opinion. I'm very glad we don't do pumpkin spice anything downunder. Not that I know of anyway. What exactly is pumpkin spice anyway? A spice powder made up of what ingredients?

    1. Not sure, not being a fan of pumpkin pie. I'm guessing maybe pumpkin and nutmeg and some cinnamon?
