Friday, March 26, 2021

Of Ships and Masts and Hick's Good Tasks, and Even Steven's Zings

The casino we frequent twice a month is on the banks of the Mississippi River. I mean ON the banks. Just on the other side of the flood wall. Old Man River better not come knock knock knockin' on Century's door. That's the name of the casino now. Century Casino. It used to be The Isle, before it changed ownership. Anyhoo... my point is that I sense a nautical theme. The Pony and Hick disagree. I think they do that on general principal. 

Look at that! How can you say it's not nautical? There it is, with the old logo. But the structure is the same. We don't go there after dark, because it's a 90-minute drive home. But even in the daytime, surely a normal person could see something ship-like about this venue.

I even pointed it out to Hick and The Pony back in February, with snow still on the ground.

"Look. The light poles are nautical, too! They're like masts on a ship!"
"Um. Mom. No ship would have a mast with a curve like that."

"WHAT? That's what makes it look like a mast! The CURVE! I guess you're right... you wouldn't want that on your ship. But why would they make all the light poles bent like that?"

"MmmMMMMmmm." Hummed with a shrug of the shoulders. You know how it goes. The wordless 'I don't know.'

Do YOU know? Don't you think these light poles look like they belong on a ship?

Don't be gaslighting me, saying they must have bent in the wind. I'm not falling for it.

In other just-as-exciting news... I figured out why Even Steven didn't give Hick a profit on his slots Tuesday, after he gave that little car-inspection gal a hundred dollars of his own money on Monday.


That's a $100 winner on a $5 ticket. We stopped at the LOVE'S Truck Stop on the way home, so Hick could use the facilities. They have a lottery machine inside. I gave The Pony some cash, and instructions what tickets to buy. This is just the front. This ticket is a backscratcher. More chances on the other side.

 Poor Hick. I guess his karma will catch up to him one of these days.


  1. Like a tree, if a mast will not bend, it will break. Racing boats control the bend for speed see,to%20get%20the%20most%20speed.

    Still, probably not an explanation for the lamp post bend...I got nothing.

    1. The knuckle forward, boom vang, and luff curve are all Greek to me! But that's okay! I don't plan to sail a casino parking lot over to that newly-discovered island, ENGLAND. Nor do I plan to build a casino parking lot in my basement, to sail at a later date.

      However, I will store away this information as future ammunition when Hick and The Pony declare that masts do not bend.

      Now you've put that Tanya Tucker song in my head: "Strong Enough to Bend." It starts out with "There's a tree, out in the back yard..."

      When I was working, that song came on Hick's clock radio alarm about 3 days a week. On the other two days, I'd wake up with it in my head anyway.

  2. It does have a nautical look, those wires could be rigging. Those light poles however are not at all nautical looking, not even vaguely. They look more like docking stations for the mini ufo's currently hooked up to it.

    1. Thank you for the VALidation! At least of the rigging.

      I have a feeling those mini UFOs are watching my every move, and not just the camera mounted below them. That's too obvious. A ne'er-do-well would destroy that camera before ne'er doing well, but the UFO could still surveil him.

  3. I noticed the nautical theme last Decemeber when they had holiday lights festooned on a palm!!! tree in the lobby. And those parking lot lights look they are guiding ET home.

    1. That means you saw the sad Santa display. I expected so much more in holiday decor. Not leftovers from a margarita party!

  4. It has a nautical look to me. I lived in Charleston, Mo years ago.

    1. Yes! More VALidation. I still say those light poles look "shippy." Charleston is about 2 hours southeast of us. I might have been there once. We have definitely been to Sikeston, to Lambert's, the throwed-roll restauant!
