Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Like a BOSS!

Where were you in 1984? I'm sure you remember your Glory Days! Uh huh. I'm talking about Springsteen's release of Born in the USA. I was in Cuba, Missouri, teaching and coaching and spending too many Friday nights playing poker for pretzel sticks. I was also taking classes through Drury College one evening per week down at Fort Leonard Wood, towards my masters' degree.

The drive was an hour and twenty minutes one-way. So I had to listen to music to keep myself awake. That, and try my hand at smoking (peer pressure from my poker buddies), which never seemed to catch on for me. Not even menthols.

Anyhoo, it WAS 1984. No SiriusXM Radio. I don't remember if CDs were a thing then or not. I had probably just switched over from 8-track tapes! Not on the cutting edge of technology, even back then. I do know that I bought Born in the USA on cassette tape, and played it on those drives. I was not a big fan of The Boss before, or even after. But I really liked that tape. Besides, you can't go wrong with Bruce's 1984 butt on the cover.

I've been thinking of one of those songs. Not Born in the USA, though I hear it a lot on the radio. Nor Glory Days, which I hear a lot, too. Not even Dancing in the Dark, the MTV video that gave Courtney Cox her start in the biz. Showbiz, of course. My sister the adolescent future ex-mayor's wife used to tell me, "SBIML." Show Biz Is My Life. I don't know why.

Anyhoo...the song I've been thinking about is I'm On Fire. Not so much the lyrics, or what it's about. Just the title.

Because I'M ON FIRE!

You know I had those fantastic slot machine wins on our Thanksgiving visit with The Pony. Well, last week I was going through a pile of mail that needed sorting, and found a check for $98 and change! Good thing I don't have a husband who throws stuff away all willy-nilly, huh?

I thought it was just another one of those insurance envelopes detailing our charges and showing our deductible amounts remaining. We get them every month. I think this was a refund because Hick had met his individual deductible. I don't care what it was for! I took that thing to the bank for deposit the very next day. Just in case, you know, it was void after 60 days. I think it was from October. I'll scrutinize those insurance envelopes now as I receive them!

Yeah, I was pretty excited about finding free money! I got even more excited later in the week, when I found this:

That's only a picture of the back, showing my 5X $20 win. That makes it $100, in case you don't like math. It was on a $5 Cash Craze ticket that I got at The Gas Station Chicken Store on Thursday.

Yeah. I've been winning like a BOSS! You might say "I'm On Fire."


  1. You are ion a winning streak. Keep it up.

    1. If only that was possible. He's not called EVEN Steve for nothing. I just hope my EVENing comes before or after CasinoPalooza3. Not during!

  2. Any more "on fire" and you'd be experiencing the heat of an Australian summer. In 1984, we had cassette tapes for music and had just discovered VHS players and video tapes with movies. It was a great year for me, I was still married with children, 4 of them, but the youngest was three and reliably toilet trained so I knew I would never have to change or wash another nappy until I had grandchildren and that was YEARS away!
    I'm surprised at you keeping mail from way back in October, but I'm glad you found that cheque.
    Is a Master's Degree different from a Doctorate? And how?

    1. Winnings have been attracted to me like moths to my flame. I am trying to treat them responsibly...like saving for CasinoPalooza3 and Christmas.

      You had the world by the tail in 1984!

      I set aside the mail I know I should deal with (but don't want to), and sometimes it gets shuffled under something else on the kitchen counter. Those insurance statements are tedious.

      A Master's Degree is the next level after a 4-year college degree such as a Bachelor's Degree. For example, I have a B.S. in Education, and a Master's Degree in Education.

      A Doctorate is a higher degree, requiring more credits, thus more money and time. Around here, people looking to become a Superintendent of Schools get Doctorates. But it's not required for a Superintendent.

  3. You. Are. A. Rock. Star! (repeat an incredibly obnoxious number of times, loudly.)

    1. I'm holding up a Bic lighter for my own encore! Oh, wait. I mean a Bic lighter app on my cell phone...

  4. I ONCE won $100.00 on a lottery ticket!!
