Monday, February 5, 2018

Some Days, I Think I've Soured on My Sweetie

Last week when I drove dirty, dirty T-Hoe over to the Freight Container Garage, I confronted Hick about an item he had found in one of his ill-gotten storage units. He'd sent me a picture of it. Gloating perhaps. Bragging for sure. So here now, I reveal, the slight of enormous proportions that Hick engineered, consciously, or unconsciously.

But first...let's establish a few facts. This is the time of year that leads up to Valentine's Day. And also to Val's birthday. Just so you know. Those two major holidays loom on the horizon. You might think that perhaps my Sweet Baboo might be making plans for a gift for his special gal. The same one who came up with the $1100 in cash for him to buy the privilege of cleaning out 18 storage units. You might think. Then again, we're talking about Hick. So you might not.

Anyhoo...I had just recently received that picture of abandoned storage unit swag, and that thorn in my side had me wanting to pick a bone with Hick.

"I got that picture you sent me."

"Yeah. Isn't it nice?"

"How do you know it's real?"

"There's a certificate with it that says it's real. I'm gonna ask my buddy at the auction what it's worth."

"So you never thought...before you sent me that picture...'Huh. This might be a good present for Val's birthday, or maybe Valentine's Day. I could surprise her with it. She'll have no idea."

"No. I know you don't like jewelry and stuff."

"Well, I don't really like three-dollar change purses, either. But Sno-Caps are pretty delicious."

I guess maybe I can't fault Hick for knowing what I like and what I don't like. YES I CAN! But the truth is, I'm not really one to wear jewelry. I guess I'm lucky that he didn't think about giving me THIS:

I'll be okay with two boxes of Sno-Caps for a gift. Really.


  1. That necklace is gorgeous!!!! I don't wear much jewellery either, but I'd wear that for at least a couple of days, then for special occasions after that. It looks like the sort of classic piece that would go with almost anything.

    1. It IS an attractive piece, though I doubt I would ever have anyplace to wear it, which is a moot point, because Hick certainly isn't going to give it to me, when he can make money off of it.

  2. You might have to coach Hick on what YOU find an acceptable birthday sweetheart gift.

    1. I would actually have to lay out a list, with pictures, and the money to buy it.

  3. Yeah I think ifin I was Hick that I wouldn't dare think of giving that last set as a gift to you, Lord I'd be killed for sure...

    1. Yeah, not just for what it IS, but for what it IMPLIES!

  4. What the not heaven are those things?

    1. Used hearing aids. I think maybe they're the style that came right after the ear trumpet.

  5. Ooohh those things look gross. I have this phobia about "used" personal things. I'm not really a garage sale person. I guess I like things shiney and new :)

    1. Hick also finds things shiny and new at the auction. So you can still shop at his Storage Unit Store when it reopens in the spring!

  6. You are right about making a list and including photos! Mine likes to gift me items he wants. He rarely gets me something I really want, maybe that's why I get excited when he actually puts some thought into a gift!
