Sunday, January 19, 2014

Crisis Narrowly and Belatedly Averted

Genius went back to college last night.

No, he doesn't attend night school. He packed up his little red truck and hit the road, first gassing up, getting a mom-sponsored car wash to cleanse the Backroads mud from his ride, visiting Walmart to procure a few supplies, and running by his grandma's to say goodbye. He was in no hurry, you see, because he wasn't allowed back in the dorm until Sunday. However, the mind of Genius is always cranking, the gears never get a rest. He hypothesized that since incoming freshmen were allowed on campus Thursday, the newcomers would not get one key for three days, then a new one on Sunday. The locks on the dorm would most likely have been changed out Wednesday. He knew that the desk would not be staffed after 8:00 p.m. So he could just let himself in, no one the wiser, and if he was caught, the worst that could happen was that he'd be charged $25 to sleep in his own room for one night. And he would be avoiding the move-in chaos of Sunday.

Oh, Genius had a backup plan. He had a contact inside who could let him in if the key didn't work. And worst case scenario, he knew someone in another dorm that was open. I had to explain that to my mom, who was wringing her hands that Genius might do something foolish if he couldn't get in, like sleep in his truck, and freeze to death. She was elated when I reported that he called and said he was on the inside, that his key worked as planned. The old gal might have even celebrated with a bowl of slaw.

This afternoon, the phone rang. It was Genius. I was certain he was calling to tell me how much he missed me, and just wanted to hear my voice. Can you believe that was not the reason? Genius was calling from Walmart.

"Mom. I forgot my fleece blanket. The gray one on my bed. I'm looking for one at Walmart, and I can't find them. Where did you get it? What part of the store?"

"'s in the bedding. In housewares. In our store, it was down at the end of the mattress covers and blankets. Near the towels, where it switches over to dishes."

"Uh huh. I'm here at the blankets. I found one that says it's a fleece, but it's not SOFT! And besides, it's $20, so that's not happening."

"There were a bunch of them just before Christmas, rolled up, all different patterns. Maybe they're on the clearance aisle. Can you ask somebody?"

The phone went dead. Perhaps a blue-vest walked by, and Genius needed to snag her with a shepherd's crook. Don't think Genius is the kind of guy who won't ask. When he was barely in kindergarten, he was always wandering off from me in Walmart to ask the electronics workers if they'd gotten in any new hard drives, or if they had Linux. Too late to call 1-800-BAD-MOM on me. Besides, that's not enough numbers.

"Mom? My call dropped. I found one. But it's a leopard print. That's the only style."

"You can get that one."

"Uh, no. Not leopard."

"You could use it until I can send your other one. Want me to mail it to you?"

"Yes. Mail it."

So...tomorrow Hick is going to take it to work in an old Amazon box and ship it to that poor shivering boy who only has a comforter to comfort him.

Funny how the whole time he was here, Genius complained how frigid our house is at 69 degrees, and how he wished he was back at school where the dorm is a normal temperature, well into the seventies.


  1. Another time that Mom and Dad saved the day. How did you resist saying, "I told you so" ?

  2. Genius cracks me up. He reminds me so much of our son, except the genius part.

  3. A leopard blanket? Oh the humanity!

  4. You will have a blog that incorporates #1 son forever. Even after he has left home and college. He is truly a rare gem. I love hearing about his idiosyncrasies, as I do about the tales of all of your family. I look forward to your posts every night. Living through two strokes and a damn toxic water spill in West Virginia. Keep the humor coming!

  5. Hey, it could have been a kitten instead of a leopard. You are a good mama.

  6. Genius enough to know how to beat the system and still young enough to need that favorite blanket.

  7. Calling and asking you how to pick out a Walmart blanket IS how they tell you at this age that they miss you. That's what I tell myself, anyway.

  8. Sioux,
    I was dying to ask what happened to the comfortable, NORMAL ambient temperature of his precious dorm room. Because he does have that comforter for sleeping in his bed. So the fleece throw is obviously to wear around his shoulders like a cape, wrap around his head like a turban, wear over one shoulder as a very soft party toga, use as a WWII Flying Ace scarf while chasing the Red Baron, of drape over his developing dowager's hump like a shawl.

    I'm sure your son meets the genius quotient. But what a coincidence that he, too, would have an aversion to leopard print!

    Genius is obviously playing the Switched At Birth: "I must be adopted!" card. He KNOWS his brother wallowed on the old couch with a ZEBRA fleece throw until he wore out both the fleece and the couch.

    I was thinking about you during that water spill. I wondered how it can affect AN ENTIRE STATE. Even one the size of West Virginia. Do you have, like, one spring that someone has hammered a metal pipe into, and every citizen walks there with a bucket every day for their allotment?

    Wait. Maybe I'm confusion you with Loretta Lynn's Butcher Holler in Kentucky, or Dolly Parton's Tennessee Mountain Home.

    Some calls him a rare gem, some calls him an odd duck. Uh huh.

    YIKES! A kitten throw! I hope you mean a kitten likeness, with big ol' kitten eyes. Not a throw made of actual kitten fur. That would be a bit, shall we say, inappropriate. Even for Val's blog.

    He's a crafty one. Like when he wakes up from twelve hours of sleep, and lays down for a nap, and asks me to make him a sandwich because he's so tired.

    Yeah. That's the ticket.

  9. Ha!, Actually, it didn't effect the entire state. Just nine out of 55 counties. Didn't really matter, we only drink moonshine and never bathe, anyway!

  10. Funny how $20 of his money is too much to spend, but he would have let you pay far more than that to get the softness in the color he craved .....

  11. knancy,
    Heh, heh. Like I'm going to believe you can fit 55 counties into that tiny tract of almost-heaven.

    Yeah. Funny. Like when I have a dime in my pocket, and say, "Great. Now I've got to put this somewhere. I should have left it in my change cup in the car..." and Genius shouts, "I'LL TAKE IT!"
