Thursday, August 22, 2024

Two Businesspersons Walk Into a Beauty Shop

Hick met with the realtor on Tuesday at 1:00. They toured the Beauty Shop, and the main house of the Double Hovel. The Realtor brought some comps from the neighborhood, for an idea of what comparable homes were selling for.

Hick told her what price he was considering. The Realtor suggested an amount $6000 lower. Hick's reasoning was that we would have room to lower the price if there was not enough initial interest. The Realtor said she preferred to set it lower in the beginning, to get people actually asking to walk through the houses. Hick agreed. The Realtor said the size of the bedrooms was a factor in the pricing, but that having two bathrooms instead of one would offset that a bit.

The Realtor told Hick that she could charge a commission of 7.5 percent, but that since he had come back to her after buying Pony House through her, she would sell our Double Hovel for a commission of 5 percent. Can't beat that with a stick! That's what Hick gets for customer loyalty.

The Realtor told Hick that he needs to get a load of gravel to pour beside the fencing at the main house, for off-street parking. Hick has already had it delivered by a buddy, and will be fetching his tractor from The Veteran (who was using it to level ground for his new swimming pool) to spread it out on Thursday.

Hick also PAINTED THE BEAUTY SHOP FRONT WALL WHITE on Wednesday, and will be painting the side wall perhaps on Thursday. Old Buddy has called in sick for three days, leaving Hick in the lurch. The Realtor said to have the gravel and painting done before the photographer shows up, but Hick said he didn't know when that will be. We are supposed to sign papers with The Realtor next week.

We are happy with the pricing, and will stand to get a good return on our investment if we sell within a reasonable amount of the asking price. I have no qualms about The Realtor changing Hick's price. I figure she has a vested interest, standing to profit on the sale.


  1. Maybe the price should have stayed a bit higher for wiggle room. This way, the selling price might have to be lowered again. But, I have no idea what you are asking. I am glad the house will be all one color. At least, the end is near.

    1. We just look at the asking prices on similar listings. The realtor is a professional, whose income depends on selling houses. So I figure she wouldn't cheat herself out of a good commission. Every dollar lower that she suggests is costing her money. Any sale is better than lots of lookers who won't make an offer because they think the price is too high.

      Yes, hopefully the end is near. I would not want to buy a house that is two colors, so making it all white is what I wanted.

  2. I agree the slightly lower price will have more people coming to look through so potentially a quicker sale. Hooray for white walls.

    1. The more people who see it, the better. When we look online at properties, we set a max price limit, and don't even drive by the ones we consider too much. The white makes it look "finished." Except for that fourth wall still waiting...

  3. So true. We never used a realtor, just sold it ourselves. From the quick sales, we always figured we sold too low, but it was easier than having to show to lots of people.

    1. When Hick had it listed on Facebook while he was still finishing the main house, he had quite a few people call him or stop by. Most wanted to bargain with him, saying they were only approved for a certain loan amount. Some kept insisting they wanted to rent it. Using a realtor will keep this type of "prospective buyer" from wasting Hick's "valuable" time that he'd rather spend on his Storage Unit Store.

      I agree that a quick sale is most convenient. Once you decide the minimum price you will accept, take the first offer that meets it! A sure thing is better than a lot of maybes or waiting for a higher offer. You never know when or IF that will come.

  4. If interest rates drop as expected, maybe this property will sell quickly.

    1. I was just reading about the rates this morning, and that's the first thing I thought of.

  5. Good luck, I hope it sells quickly and everyone is happy with a profit!

    1. We'll see. Haven't officially signed the papers yet for the listing. The Pony is quite excited about the impending profit.
