Friday, June 14, 2024

Val is Once Again ASTONISHED at the Gumption of Everyday People Who Park in the Handicap Spaces

It's almost to the point where the majority of people I see park in the handicap spaces DO NOT HAVE handicap plates, nor placards. I must goad Hick into setting up my proposed handbasket factory! This certainly must be the beginning of the end. 

Thursday, I parked T-Hoe at the gas pumps at the Sis-Town Casey's. I was waiting to cross the parking lot when a car pulled into the HANDICAP space. Oh, and they were way over the line, too, taking up part of the striped walkway I use to avoid stepping up or down from the sidewalk.

Anyhoo... those scofflaws were out of their vehicle, and inside the store before I hobbled over there to pre-pay for my gas. Inside, I saw them at the case by the deli, getting slices of pizza from the round warmer thingy that rotates. Neither of them appeared to be differently-abled. They were late-30s, and argumentative with each other. 

Heh, heh! I was NOT sad that they got in line behind me, dealing with a new cashier, who was quite slow in getting my scratchers, and ringing up the transaction. In fact, she skipped one of  my $5 crosswords, and I had to remind her that I had TWO, and to scan another time, so I didn't STEAL again!

Back at T-Hoe, I pumped my gas, cleaned a squashed bug off the windshield, and climbed inside. The Scofflaws had just returned to their car. In fact, they were making their getaway as I tried to get a picture.

There they are, backing out. When they parked, there was a car next to the white one. But still, a space next to it. So it's not like the handicap space (and the striped walkway) were the only spaces available.

There they go, having procured their pizza slices, for which they could not park in a legal space to shop. Can you believe these people took up a handicap space??? Yes. I know you CAN.

It's not like I wanted that space. I never park in it, because close-parkers will put their car too close to me on the left, and I won't be able to get my door open. I park across the striped walkway, in the space that is not designated as handicapped. Unless I'm at the gas pumps, where I don't need a parking space at all. 

However, you don't know when somebody might need that space, rightfully theirs, being taken up by inconsiderate pizza-eaters.


  1. Was it Kramer who was guilty of this? That episode should give you some satisfaction.

    1. It was George who parked his father's car in a handicap space, though Kramer gave him the idea. People beat the Not-Heaven out of that car. Heh, heh! It looks like these scofflaws might have parked in another handicap space, seeing as how they had to replace their door!

  2. I may have told you this before. My father looked near to death as he battle emphysema and pancreatic cancer. He saw a young guy park in the only handicapped space left. Daddy yelled out the window, "Hey, Buddy, you are parking in my spot." The man rushed back, apologizing as he went to move his car. Another man heard what Daddy said, and rushed back, apologizing as he went to move his car. Daddy soon died, but he got those two guys to move. I just wonder if they learned anything.

    1. I think those two guys learned something. But only those two guys. Nobody else who overheard.

  3. Scofflaws think they own the world I guess.

    1. It would seem so! I'm surprised they didn't just walk out with their pizza slices, assuming a banquet had been laid out for them!

  4. In their defense, maybe they did not realize that was a space for someone with a physical handicap ...... obviously they took it to mean those with mental issues. This is assuming they could read ....

    1. I assume they COULD read, but actively avoid it on a daily basis!
