Monday, June 10, 2024

Apparently, a Life of Crime DOES Pay. Until Even Steven Catches You.

One day after Val's crime spree stealing two six-packs of Diet Mountain Dew from 10Box (a $9.71 value), she fell rumpus-over-teakettle into a fortune at the Gas Station Chicken Store.

I was joshing with my Favorite Clerk about how her counterpart on the other three days of the week had just sold me a $100 winner two days previous.

"You really need to step it up! She puts you to shame lately."

"I'm trying!"

In fact, Fave had set out my daily Cash4Life draw ticket (that I get for The Pony), and my crosswords, on the counter. She'd seen me drive in. Wasn't busy. So had gotten my tickets ready. She had also pulled out the $10 ticket I always buy, but hadn't torn it off yet.

"I saw you coming. Let's see if I'm right. I didn't tear off the ten, because sometimes you switch things up."

"Well. That is what I was planning to buy. So you did good!"

Back home, I had just sat down to scratch when Hick came fuming through the door, his nose out of joint over shoddy treatment at Walmart automotive department when trying to get a battery for SilverRedO. I lent him an ear, then went back to finish scratching my $10 ticket when Hick sat down in his recliner.



Usually, Hick's presence is the kiss of death when it comes to my scratcher luck. He's like a "cooler" in a casino. But not this time! See that 50X symbol on the second row, right side? 
I knew I had a good one!

That's a $1000 WINNER, by cracky! I was shocked. 

Sunday, I was on my way to The Pony's house to gather up his half of the flip house costs, plus his monthly house payment. I stopped by the Gas Station Chicken Store to show Fave what she had done.

"Ooh! Take THAT, [Redacted]!"

"Yes. Now you've outdone her. She might as well tie a bandana on a stick and hit the road."

Of course I will be treating Fave to a couple of extra scratchers when I next see her on Thursday. No good deed goes unrewarded by Val. 

I DID, however, have to tell her to put back the $10 ticket she had torn off when she saw me drive in. No way I'm buying another one of those for a while at this store. 

I suppose The Universe ratted me out to Even Steven about the stolen soda. Because when I scratched my Sunday tickets, I only won $5. I shall be repaying my debt to 10Box forthwith.


  1. $1000!! I'm so green with envy I'm practically glowing! But I can't complain since I don't buy scratchers very often.

    1. Sorry for turning you green! I show my big wins so people can share in the excitement, without spending a cent.

  2. Well, I sure do get excited! Great! What is a 'cooler?'

    1. A cooler is a person hired by a casino, back in the old days, to walk up and distract gamblers having a winning streak. There's a movie by that name, "The Cooler," starring William H. Macy as the cooler in a casino run by Alec Baldwin.

  3. Taking your good luck and advice about the $10 scratchers, I have tried that twice over the past couple of months. I'm still waiting to win anything.

    1. Oh, no! Did I forget my disclaimer?

      I went about three months of "just fair" returns on my daily tickets before this jackpot, and I've been playing for over 20 years. So I figure you've got a few thousand tickets to buy before your odds improve!
