Sunday, June 30, 2024

Keeping the Dogs Alive, and Hick Out of Jail

It's a full-time job, really. Monitoring Hick's activities, and making sure the dogs are okay.

Saturday morning at 5:55, before leaving for a day at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2), Hick sat on the long couch, and voiced his plans to buy dog food.

"I only have enough left to feed them this morning. Then I'll be out. So on my way home, I'll stop and get dog food."

"Where are you getting it?" You know, because there might have been something else we needed.

"I'll go by the Family Center in town on my way home."

I passed Hick on his way home around 4:15, out on the county blacktop road. When I returned at 5:00, Hick was out back, fiddling with POOLIO's filter.

"Did you get the dog food?"

"No! I forgot! So I need to go to Walmart. The Family Center closed at 5:00. I'll do it here in a minute when I'm done flushing the filter."

"Are your pants unzipped?"



"What did you ask me?"

"Are your shorts unzipped?"

Hick checked the fly of his khaki shorts. "Oops!" And zipped it up.

"I just asked, you know, because you're going to town. And I don't want you to get arrested for indecent exposure."


Yes. It's a full-time job. I must remain ever-vigilant.


  1. Oops! Thanks for reminding me.

    1. Heh, heh! You're welcome. Just one more service Val provides.

  2. I have an almost-full-time job keeping Tommy's zipped, too. What is it with men and not-zipped pants? I do hope the dogs got fed. I hope he is enjoying the pool.

    1. It must take too much effort. Image the cowboys when they only had buttons! Hick bought a 50-pound bag of dog food, according to the receipt. So I'm assuming he gave them some this morning.

      Hick has not yet been in POOLIO! He's still feeding him chemicals, and messing with the filter, and skimming new leaves that have fallen in. I tell him it's going to cost us about $30 per swim when he finally takes a dip, and enjoys what's left of the summer.

  3. HOW do men forget to zip up?? They have to unzip to pee so isn't the rezipping an automatic thing? Like pulling your pants back up for women? We don't walk out of bathrooms with our knickers around our knees!

    1. What a world THAT would be, if we forgot to pull up our pants! I guess they just need constant nagging--I mean REMINDING--in order to survive from day to day.
