When The Pony woke up on Thursday morning, I'm sure he thought his continued lack of electricity was going to be the worst part of his day. If only...
Going about his workday, The Pony sent me a couple of pictures of downed trees. Then at 1:27, he let me know that the inside door handle at Domino's was missing. By 2:06, his day took a dramatic turn.
"Juuuuuuuust great. Bitten by a dog."
"NOOOO!" Do you know where it belongs? To see if it had shots?"
"Yeah. Because the people were out there."
"So now what? Do you report it? It was probably acting worse BECAUSE the people were out there, and in its mind they needed protecting."
"It was a fat little Corgi mix."
"Did you protect yourself with your satchel, per regulations discussed during training? Unsuccessfully, I mean!"
"Well it ran up behind me from nowhere after I'd put in their mail and talked to them. So no."
"Dad is on his way to meet HOS about some insulation for the flip house. In case you would need a ride to the doctor, he's around, so call him."
"Nah. You saw the picture, it's fine."
"Did the people offer to pay for your series of rabies shots? It looks like one small puncture. But still, it at least needs disinfecting from that butt-licking mouth."
"Considering the dog was still out and unleashed, I'm sure you get why I kept walking."
"Did they see it happen? And not say anything? I guess you won't have to deliver to that house now!"
"They were talking. Yes. 90 percent sure they said he'd had his shots, but you know my memory and listening skills."
"Rabies is rare in town, and also uncommon our here. What are the odds of a dog being bit by an animal that actually has rabies? Slimmer than Dad's chance of winning a hand pay while betting 40 cents. Dad says to make sure you tell your manager."
"I did. Sent her pictures. But it's 100 percent not worth dealing with workers comp and [REDACTED] again."
"I agree. Considering the odds of rabies in a town dog."
"They're supposed to force me to see a doctor since it's bleeding, but since I really don't want to deal with workers comp and [REDACTED] in Kansas City again, I'm just gonna clean it when I get home."
"Will you get in trouble for not going?"
"No. Management would. It's a 'don't mention it to co-workers or the union' thing, since it's ME that doesn't want to deal with the doctor."
"It's a no-win situation all around if you go to the doctor. First you have to find one that will treat workers comp. Also, doctors are mandated reporters. They have to report the dog bite. If it hasn't had shots, the dog's brain has to be sent off to test for rabies, which of course kills the dog and saddens the owners. Unless maybe they pay to have it boarded for a couple weeks to be observed for rabies. But then it would be too late for you since you'd already have rabies! If Jack bit ME, I wouldn't go to the doctor. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have rabies, even without shots, and chasing all kinds of wild animals."
"Yeah. Like when Copper Jack bit me when I gave them all treats that one time. I still have the scar from it."
"Maybe you're immune to rabies, heh, heh!"
About three hours later, The Pony sent me an update:
"Bruising and teeth tracks. Only about 45 minutes left till I'm home."
"I knew it would bruise. Make sure to wash it good with soap, and use triple antibiotic ointment and a bandaid."
"You'll have quite a blog saga out of this!"
After he was home, The Pony sent another picture:
"Cleaned off. It bled a bit more after I wiped away the scab."
"That washes out germs. You don't want a puncture wound sealed off to ferment! Slather it with antibiotic, then bandaid."
And now we begin the colorful journey that was Friday.
"Ugh. Didn't sleep great. Current bite."
"It looks good! Keep up with the ointment and bandaid for a couple days, just in case."
"A warrior's wound."
"Since when are we Vikings?"
"You battle the streets every day!"
By 11:30, The Pony felt the bite.
"Leg is sore and slightly leaky, going by the bandaid."
"Sorry it's sore, but good that stuff comes out rather than being trapped to fester."
"Yeah. Bruise is still growing a bit."
"It's a crush injury, mainly, with a puncture. Those jaws crack bones. Your body is clearing the damaged tissue."
"Yeah, a bruise spreads out. Especially if you're walking on the leg. And gravity."
"Just keeping you updated so you don't worry!"
The 4:40 picture was not so pretty:
"More yucky without the bandaid."
"It was bumped-up and swollen right after it happened. So damaged cells to be carried away. That's why injuries swell. The plasma coming to wash away those dead cells. Hope it's not too painful for you."
"Not really painful. Just slowing me down more than I thought."
"You're not superhuman. You have an injury. Allow yourself to slow down."
The latest update, from Saturday morning:
"I think it's fine without a bandaid today."
"Looks like it's healing."
By Saturday night, it was looking better:
"Just the bruise right now."
"That's good. Watch in case it gets red and hot with infection. Your hole looks good, heh, heh!"
"Yeah, it's only a bit warmer than the other calf. Your comment made me choke on my cheetos."
Let the record show that The Pony keeps his legs shaved smooth. Not sure if it functions like a swimmer having less drag in the water, so he finishes his route quicker... or like cyclists keeping their legs shaved so that road rash heals faster when they wreck. I think with this incident, it's the latter.
Short of showing up to work foaming at the mouth... I think The Pony is going to make it.