Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Seasonal Opening of POOLIO

The Pony came out on Sunday, because we had plans to listen to a preview of some upcoming new-release music from a composer he follows. We had a nice lunch. The Pony had some wine. When Hick returned home from his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2), The Pony helped him take the cover off POOLIO.

Hick did not open POOLIO last summer, due to his back surgery and inability to submerge. It's a bit late this year, but he wants a chance to "swim." Meaning lie on a floatie and take a nap, with a cap over his face. I don't begrudge Hick this pleasure. He works hard, and likes to relax in the evening.

Anyhoo... Hick had spent three days dipping wet leaves off POOLIO's cover, after pumping off accumulated water from the past two years. The sight of an uncovered POOLIO was not pleasant.

Here's the thing. Hick ALWAYS leaves the same water in POOLIO! Rather than drain it and put in fresh. Hick says that well water is too cold! It takes days to warm up. Poppycock! The temperature today was over 100 degrees! Wouldn't take long at all!

This water issue is one reason I don't partake in POOLIO dipping. That, and it's inconvenient for me to haul myself back out. POOLIO is a round above-ground pool. Nothing fancy. We've had him since the boys were around 5-8 years old. The Pony couldn't get in without close supervision. He could barely stand on the bottom, and only breathe with his head tilted back to keep his face out of the water.

The first year, Hick drained the water and used fresh. Don't cost nothin'! It's not like there's a bill for our well water. Hick just complained that it took too long to warm up. And this is when he filled it in May.

After that, Hick left the same water in, and just treated it with chemicals from the pool store that installed POOLIO. I said he and the boys were swimming in butt-water soup. Especially after seven or eight years of using the same water. Didn't deter Hick!

Monday, Hick spent $192.52 on pool chemicals. That's just for the initial shocking, and to get it to the right pH. We don't use chlorine. It's Baquacil. Doesn't burn your eyes like chlorine. 

Hick was down by POOLIO's side on Monday afternoon, skimming again, and putting in the chemicals. He sent The Pony a text:

"Got a dead squirrel out of the pool."

"Wow! Only ONE???"

Heh, heh. I don't think The Pony will be coming out to swim. He's not a child anymore.


  1. We have an inground pool, we used to cover it with a leaf net, then a tarp, and then my mom invested in a durable cover. It has a heater, otherwise it would be too cold. I am surprised Hick has not devised a way to warm up the water otherwise! I only like to swim in warm waters too, but I would prefer fresh water every pool season but the chemicals must take care of any issues.

    1. The cold is not really a problem around here, it's just Hick's impatience. POOLIO is in the sun all day, until around 3:00 or 3:30. So within a week of being filled with cold well water, the temp is comfortably swimmable. Probably sooner this late in the season, with yesterday reaching 103 degrees.

      Hick's usual plan is getting POOLIO ready mid-May, and closing down mid-September.

      I guess the chemicals make sure Hick won't catch a disease or infection, but it's the thought of using the same water over and over, with animals falling in, and sweaty Hick cooling off.

  2. Ugh! Urk! Eeeuuwww!!! I'm sure the water gets topped up each year, but I'm wondering now what kind of slime monster might be living on the base of the pool after all those years of debris and dead squirrels settling down over the winter. Not to mention sweat and skin cells.

    1. I KNOW!!! I'm happy you feel my pain! Or at least understand my revulsion. When POOLIO is up and running, Hick at does put the skimmer thingy in. Not only does it get stuff off the surface, but it has a part that goes along the bottom, scooping up the slime or whatever else is down there.

  3. That is too gross and icky for me. Ewww!!! I would be revolted even when Hick came into the house. He must be carry spores of something on his skin. Maybe Pony can convince him to change the water. Call the pool company and ask what they recommend. Maybe a professional's voice will convince him.

    1. Yeah, that's my point. At least Hick goes to the shower when he comes in from POOLIO, after sitting to dry on the deck first.

      I doubt the pool company would recommend fresh water, because then they couldn't keep selling him the expensive chemicals over and over until Hick gets the right pH.

  4. I saw a trick to get the water warmer faster - layer black plastic trash bags on top!

    1. That would take a lot of trash bags. POOLIO is over 20 feet in diameter. Plus, something would have to go on top of each trash bag to keep them from blowing away. The cover itself reminds me of a black plastic trash bag. Hick puts in on there while waiting for it to warm. So it's the same principle.
