Saturday, January 18, 2025

When It Snows, It Drips

Hick stopped by the Double Hovel on Wednesday, just to check on things since the big ice/sleet/snow storm. Or more likely because he need to use the bathroom while out and about. He made an unwelcome discovery. Notified me by text:

"Came by the house and the heat was off and some water on the kitchen floor."

"Dang it! How did the heat go off?"

"I don't know. I'm resetting it now to see if it comes back on. If not I'm calling the heating and cooling guy. Always something, it seems."


Fifteen minutes later:

"Heat is back on."

"What caused the water on the floor?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe somebody showed the house, and they messed with the heat, and tracked in snow?"

"Nah. It looks like maybe it came from the roof. There's not a stain, but it looks like maybe it could have been from a leak. Right in the middle of the kitchen floor. Ice could have got up under there and then melted. We'll have to see if there's a leak after the next rain or snow. Then I'll check on where it came from, and fix it."

"Why would the heat be off?"

"If the electricity went off. It's supposed to reset itself, but if the power flickered, like went off and came right back on, it wouldn't have time to reset."

Hick also checked the Beauty Shop, which has a different kind of heating system. It was on, and no sign of any leaks there.


  1. I hope the cause of the leak can be found and fixed quickly. You don't want unexpected puddles when people are walking through and inspecting, with thoughts of buying.

    1. Hick went by on his way home from selling at his SUS2, and says the heat was still on, and there was no water on the floor. Which is great, considering we had a lot of rain last night. He will keep checking during the upcoming freeze and then thaw, and have Old Buddy go up in the attic when the weather settles down.

      I still think maybe a realtor showed the house, and somebody messed with the heat, and tracked in snow. Hick doesn't think so.

  2. I do hope it is a simple problem with a quick fix if that is not snow.

    1. We've had that house for a year and a half, and never had a roof leak. The heater going off is also odd. Hick will continue to check on it to see if it happens again, but it's a good sign that it was dry after a night of heavy rain Friday.
