Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Disappointment Is Palpable

Prognosis: negative! Variance denied!

Hick called me right after the public hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning a variance to divide our Double Hovel flip property into two lots.

"Well, that was a waste of time. I think they had their mind made up before the hearing. I was sittin' there waiting for it to start, and overheard two of them talking about it, saying there were more negatives than positives. Nobody showed up to complain. They shuffled through their papers and asked if I had anything else to add. They said something about a letter, but it wasn't my letter. I told them I was told NOT to give them my letter. And they said yes, that unless they asked for it, I shouldn't. I don't think their letter was a complaint from anybody. It looked like it was on paper with a city letterhead. I asked to see it, and they said I couldn't."

"But Denizen saw it! And she's not on the committee, and not the one asking for a variance!"

"I know. I didn't mention that part. Anyway, they basically said that if they granted this variance for me, they'd have to do it for everybody."

"I can understand that. They'd have to re-write their ordinance with a lawyer, to modify the size of the lots to what ours is."

"One lady said, 'I live in a subdivision, and I wouldn't want a lot under 10,000 square feet. I don't want anybody building a house right on top of me!' I told her the houses are ALREADY THERE! That if somebody doesn't want a house close to them, they won't buy it anyway."

"Yeah. That's how I see it. It's not like somebody would buy one of our houses, then wake up to find a house has been built right on top of them."

"The commissioner said he doesn't understand how people can't get a loan on it. Maybe I should have took Realtor with me to explain those loans without a down payment. He asked if anybody had made an offer. I told him 10-12 people had asked Realtor about buying just the little house. He said he could understand that, with a house being cheaper than renting a 1-bedroom apartment there."

"Yes. The issue is a down payment."

"The commissioner said he thinks it will sell. And another guy on the commission said, 'There's a property for you!' Like he had been looking at investment properties. So then the commissioner asked me the price, and I told him. And he said, 'How long before the realtor contract is up?' Like he might want to buy it without paying the commission."

"That's not right. I wouldn't do that to her. It's like cheating."

"A lot of people try to do that. Say they'll give you a certain price to buy it, if you tell the realtor you talked to them before you listed it."

"Well, at least we know now."

Hick sent The Pony a text of the result. The Pony replied, "Ugh." Hick also sent Realtor a text. Her reply was, "Bummer."

Let the record show that we are disappointed, but nobody needs to talk us off the ledge. We knew when we bought the property that the city ordinances decreed that the property could not be divided. We bought it with this knowledge. The city owes us no favors. It's not a case of sour grapes. Just disappointment.

Oh, and The Buddy did not show up at the meeting. Hick thinks maybe he didn't want Hick to know how he was voting. Hick said two of the five members present were discussing it, and another made a motion to deny the variance, and then another seconded the motion. The actual vote was unanimous.

A city's gonna do what a city's gonna do. They got our $125 to hold a hearing to consider the variance proposal. Not sure what the money went to, as I don't think they get paid for holding a meeting. Hick said they would have to pay the two office workers who were recording the proceedings.

Anyhoo... we will think about renting the property if it doesn't sell in a couple months when the market comes out of its winter doldrums. One month's rent will more than pay for the insurance and utility fees we've accrued since listing it in September.


  1. That is a disappointment, especially the way it was done. That woman had something to do with this, mark my words.

    1. Heh, heh! I said the same thing to Hick. That's why she was trying to get a rise out of him, bringing it up at lunch on the day before the public hearing.

  2. Oh this is disappointing. I doubt that anyone else would even be asking for this in your area so it is a shame they didn't give it to you. Boo to Buddy and his grinchy wife!!

    1. Hick is disappointed because he is wanting to use sale money to get ANOTHER flip house, even though he hasn't started working on Bargain House yet. The Pony is disappointed because he'd like to get back his investment money and a profit. I am disappointed that I thought common sense could override city government procedures!

      Anyhoo... nothing has really changed since we bought the property. It's just back to normal real estate sales, without a carrot of hope dangling at the end of the stick.

  3. That really started stinks. I am glad you're all doing okay considering the outcome.

    1. It is what it is. We're no worse off than when we bought it. Except the $125 for the variance request, which seems to have been decided before any consideration.

  4. That's disappointing, but I hadn't thought about the city having to alter the ordinance for everybody. Renting seems like it might be a better option, but then you as the landlords would be responsible for maintenance and repairs and you might get a tenant who complains every time "the wind blows" or some other silly complaint.

    1. They would set a precedent that people could use as a reason to get the same kind of variance. If they didn't specify new limits for lot sizes, I suppose people could sue them for unfair treatment if theirs was denied.

      We would only rent until it sold. We would use a management company to collect the rent and field complaints. Yes, we would still be responsible for repairs, but wouldn't have the headache of dealing with the tenants. Also, a management company pursues eviction for non-payment of rent. I think it's worth the percentage they would take as a fee.
