Friday, January 17, 2025

The Pony Needs a Case of Rabbit Feet

It goes without saying (but of course Val will say it) that The Pony's major jackpot of $16,633.47 at the casino on Christmas Eve would need some evening by Even Steven. Silly Val. She thought The Pony had already endured the negatives, what with those toothsome dogs on his mail route, and an unexplained rash from working in the rain, and braving the icy weather of late. But no.

The Pony fell a couple of times on the ice, and sustained a really bad bruise on his GOOD butt cheek. The one that was not punctured with dog teeth. Here's an extreme close-up picture of the bruising. It covers about 1/4 of the total area of that body part:

"The bruise on my butt is ginormous. One of the other carries went 'How are you even walking!' when she saw it." [I don't know how the other carrier saw The Pony's butt bruise.]

Tuesday, The Pony had a really bad day.

"Today's going about as badly as it can. I don't expect to be off before 7:30 at best. The icing on top of all this is that I've got a flat tire I have to deal with when I'm off to even drive home and get actually fixed tomorrow."

I told Hick, who was in a meeting with his tax man for his business taxes. But he found The Pony on his route to get the car key, and aired up the flat, and drove the car to Casey's to air up ALL the tires. It held. So no repair necessary. Hick reported that he can't believe The Pony had to deliver on that route, as all the streets were covered completely with several inches of solid ice.

On Thursday morning, The Pony reported that he had broken his glasses:

Again, I don't know how. I didn't want to dwell on the misfortune by asking.

Shortly before 8:00 a.m., The Pony discovered that there had been a water main break. On the street beside his house. Again.

"Ah. Water main break. I thought I just had a central pipe freeze. Wooo! Had literally zero water pressure this morning. Manager said Sis-Town has a water main break."

By the time he was off work at 6:00, The Pony said:

"They fixed the main break. Supposedly they were just refilling the towers since it drained two of them but I never got an alert that they had finished that. Just a boil water order now last I heard which honestly I don't care about. Home now. Barely. An old lady almost turned right into me while I was crossing by the Senior Center. And I had to swerve completely into the other lane next to the old florist. She didn't even start moving until I was halfway across the intersection."

"Your Even Stevening from your jackpot should be done by now!"

"You'd think. But this week just keeps getting worse."

Poor Pony. At least it's Thursday... His butt is not punctured. The car tire is okay. He has an old pair of glasses for seeing. No pipes were frozen in his house. There's water for showering. And the old lady missed colliding with his Rogue.


  1. I missed Pony winning that jackpot! Poor him, he really has gone through it this last year.

    1. Yes, it would seem worse luck than most people. But winning that jackpot was more luck than most people. Life's a balance, governed by Even Steven, as I see it!

  2. That is a huge reversal of fortunes. Sending employees out to walk on ice does not seem good policy.

    1. People want their mail. Some depend on it for medications. They do the best they can while trying to stay safe. The post office already gives them those "crampon" things for their shoes. Maybe an ice axe will be next, though it might also require a third arm.

  3. Poor Pony. How old is he?? Does he have shoe cleats that can give him some traction? That is one heck of a bruise.

    1. 26. He's been working for the USPS for almost 4 years now. They provide those elastic strap-on shoe cleats when there's ice/snow. The bruise is apparently painful when it must be sat on getting in and out of the vehicle all day.

  4. What a week Pony had. I hope things start to turn around for him. He deserves a break from all this!

    1. Yes! Surely good things (or at least routine days) are on the horizon!

  5. The Pony's January has been worse than mine, since I only had a sewage filled bathroom while he has actual injuries and flat tyres as well as no water for a day. I think he needs a giant sized tub or tube of Arnica cream for all the bruises.

    1. Yours has been bad enough! I've never heard of Arnica cream, but my estranged BFF Google tells me that Walgreens and Walmart carry it. I will suggest this to The Pony.

    2. Massaged in several times a day, or even just twice, it helps to "break up" the bruise and it disappears faster. Most effective immediately after a fall so any resulting bruise isn't as deep. Helps a bit with swelling too, somehow it helps the body reabsorb that fluid.

    3. I will definitely give The Pony this info when next we talk or text.
