Saturday, January 11, 2025

Just What We Needed

Guess who won't be driving to town for a few more days! That's right, your homebound gal Val. Our 2-4 inches of predicted snowfall overnight turned out to be about 6 inches.

That's the view out the laundry room door around 9:45. Don't worry about the dry dog water bowl. It's the OLD bowl that doesn't work. Hasn't for many years. But of course the place for it is not in the trash, but right there next to the working water bowl that you can't see, plugged into the outlet so the water won't freeze.

By noon, there was a bit more accumulation. There's Scarlett, wolfing down a treat of whole-wheat bread, and the top of Jack's head as he thinks better of trying to take it. Those dang dogs are not satisfied hanging out on the porch in the three houses and dry boards. Nope. They have to get out and roam. On my trip to town Thursday, I caught them coming up Hick and Buddy's Badly Blacktopped ice-coated Hill. Scarlett took it upon herself to follow me for a bit. She needs a job, but we're not buying any cattle or sheep!

Looks like we won't be seeing the gentle glow from the solar lights for a while.

Poor Pony! Even though he was off work Thursday for the National Day of Mourning for Jimmy Carter, he had an appointment. While trying to clean off his Rogue, he broke the scraper!

The Pony said he had to pour water on the windshield to get it cleared off. I imagine that was a tedious chore. He didn't send me the picture or tell me about it until Friday, because he didn't want me to worry. Lucky The Pony had asked for Friday off, so wasn't out in the latest blizzard. Hick will swing by and drive The Pony to work on Saturday morning, though who knows if the mail trucks made it in, and how much work there will be. Maybe just a backlog of anything that got through Tuesday and Wednesday.

Meanwhile, I'm back to sitting around, using my internet while the using's good.


  1. That is a good amount of snow. I hate driving in that mess. Hope you have better weather soon.

    1. I don't mind just snow, because of T-Hoe's 4WD, but I detest driving on the ice.

  2. Your porch looks so pretty with all the snow, but I'm glad I don't have to live there and feel that cold.

    1. It IS pretty when it first falls. The older I get, the colder it seems.

  3. You got lots of snow. The trees are beautiful. Most of our snow is gone. But, it is still frozen out.

    1. I wish our snow was gone! I also saw some beautiful ice-coated trees on my way home Thursday, with the sun setting behind them.
