Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Mixed Message From Hick

Wednesday evening, I overheard the show Hick was watching. It happens a lot. He puts the volume way up. I recognized the voice of Josh Gates, who's on the show Expedition Unknown that Hick likes to watch. But this time, he was asking if somebody was trying to contact him.

"What in the world are you watching?"

"Expedition X. They're in a French castle, looking for paranormal activity."

"I thought you didn't believe in paranormal activity. Why are you watching that show?"

"Well, on Expedition Unknown, they sometimes find stuff. So I was watching this one to see what they're looking for."

"You never believe me or The Pony when things happen to us!"

"Last night, I was in bed and heard a big BANG. Did you close the dryer? It was loud, and right by my head. At first I thought it was the well pump blowing up."

"No. I left the laundry in the dryer until morning, after you left. It was just towels. Even if I get it out at night, I just barely push the door closed, so it doesn't make a noise. I didn't hear anything."

"It was around 1:00."

"I was awake then. Watching the end of Wildcard Kitchen, the rerun from last week."

"I don't know what it was. OOH! Something just flew by them! It gave me chills!"

"Did they show something? Or just say it flew by them?"

"I didn't see nothin'. But they flinched at the same time."

"I believe you heard something last night. But you never believe me or The Pony. I've had something poke me in the back and the neck while I was in bed, after you had left. When The Pony lived here, he would run upstairs from the basement, saying I called his name. When I didn't."

"I've had something try to push me out of bed!"

"Well. Apparently you just won't ADMIT that you believe in paranormal activity..."


  1. I am with you. I have seen and felt these things, and fortunately my husband believes me.

    1. I think some people can sense such things, and some cannot. The Pony and I do. Genius does not. Seems like it has also affected Hick at times. He just doesn't talk about it.

  2. CALL ROD SERLING! Oh, that's right, it's too late for him.

  3. My husband likes that show too. I get stuck watching it.

    1. If I see part of it, I will feel compelled to finish it. At least I was only hearing it from the kitchen, so I was able to resist.

  4. I often feel a cat walking up the bed besides my legs though I know Lola is still out in the porch or even already snuggled up beside me. I believe it's Angel because that's what he used to do.

    1. That's what I think, too. It would be comforting, not something to fear.

  5. My experience with the paranormal happened to be a bird that hung out upstairs and came down and rearranged the same things every night. I fled to the yard until my friend's son and husband brought guns and searched my house for the intruder. Of course, at night they did not find a bird. It pooped on all new upholstery and antique wood finishes. I was impressed it had such good taste. I am never afraid of things or intruders, but my friend managed to terrify me.

    1. The rearranging would bother me more than the pooping!
