Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Stories They Could Tell

Sometimes you see things that don't make sense. You try to imagine the scenario that led to such a sight. You rarely discover the truth. 

The Pony sends me pictures of such sights along his route. Like the sidewalk meat. No explanation was ever discovered for that one. Here's one from Monday:

The Pony sent that picture around noon. "Well, somebody in Backroads had a bad day!"

At least it wasn't The Pony this time! It made me wonder why these spectacles were on top of this mailbox. At least that what I think they're on. What reason could there be?

If somebody fell and broke their glasses, surely they would take them inside, or along with them until the glasses could be fixed.

If an ambulance had been called for a fallen person, surely the attendants would have also scooped up the glasses to take with the patient.

It's not grass-mowing season, so a groundskeeper did not likely find the glasses and put them up. Maybe somebody shoveling snow found them. Maybe even caused the breakage. So just left them there, rather than confess and hand them over when getting paid for shoveling.

If the glasses fell out of somebody's purse or pocket, maybe that person didn't know, and a neighbor found them and put them on the mailbox if the person wasn't home. That's the most reasonable explanation, I think.

I doubt this mystery will be solved.


  1. That is a mystery. We saw glasses on a wall near where kids wait for a school bus. They stayed there forever.

    1. You'd think whoever lost them would notice they were missing! If you saw the glasses, surely a person who lost them could see them. Well. Unless their eyesight was so bad without glasses...

  2. Odd to see glasses laying about that's for sure - hopefully no one is missing them too much!

    1. Yes. They look like they could be repaired.

  3. Those lenses don't look the right shape for those frames. But why put them there instead of just throwing them in the bin?

    1. Another good question. If only those (deconstructed) glasses could talk and give an answer!

      The top of the lenses and frames look like they fit. The bottom part of the frames looks like a wire that fits in a groove on the bottom of the lens, to hold it in place. The two seem to have a different shape on that part. The shape would change once it was in the groove. Just my perception.
