Monday, January 13, 2025

Three Cookies Forward and Four Marshmallows Back

In my attempts to tame the wild Hick, to bend and mold him into what I WISH he would be... I've discovered that even success is a matter of one step forward and two steps back. I may eventually get my desired result, but not without consequences.

Last year for Christmas, Genius brought us a tin of cookies. Snickerdoodles. I tried one and loved it. But then I got a cold. I wasn't going to waste those cookies by eating them when I was without my sense of taste. There they sat, in their tin, on the table between Hick's recliner and the short couch. Once my minor sickness had progressed to where I had taste again, I picked up that container to enjoy a cookie.

Let the record show that I had mentioned to Hick several times that I couldn't wait until my cold was over so I could eat a cookie. Also, we had a multitude of other Christmas desserts, including Oreo Cake, Oreos, blueberry pie, Rice Krispy Treats, homemade chocolate-covered cherries, and candies sent by my sister the ex-mayor's wife from her shindig on Christmas Eve, like the ones shown on this plate from that night:

So you would think a diabetic such as Hick could have eaten his fill of sugary treats from a variety of sources, without taking every last one of those Snickerdoodles that I was saving.

This year, Genius had Snickerdoodles and some other cookie with a chocolate center. Also in the container were four marshmallows. "These marshmallows aren't for eating. They are in the tin to keep the cookies fresh. So don't think I'm giving you marshmallows as a dessert."

Since I have been cutting back, I only allow myself ONE item as a dessert after supper. The first items to be used up by me were the slices of banana nut and blueberry cake that I had bought for after Christmas Dinner. Then some of Sis's candies. She had buckeyes this year. And the turtle is always a favorite. But the very best was the peanut cluster thingies, my new favorite.

Hick minded his manners, and left the peanut clusters for me. Also one turtle, and two buckeyes, which I had specifically called for, in those numbers. Hick had the rest of the Oreo Cake again, some of the banana nut and blueberry cake slices, and the tin of cookies that Friend brought, which were Christmas shapes with icing decoration. I also told Hick that I wanted some Snickerdoodles left!

The tin containing Genius cookies was left on the kitchen counter this year, along with all other desserts. Hick even told me a couple times, "I'm leaving your Snookerdoodles that you like so much."

A few days ago, I opened the tin to get one of the Snickerdoodles, long after Hick had gone to bed. Oh, there were Snickerdoodles left for me:

Also one of the other cookies remained. Do you see what's missing? THE MARSHMALLOWS! I don't know how long ago they disappeared. I DO know that my Snickerdoodle was not as fresh as I might have liked, though to be fair, it HAS been almost three weeks from when Genius made them. Even though I was pretty sure what happened to the marshmallows, I had to ask Hick at 5:45 a.m. the next morning.

"Where did those marshmallows go that were in Genius's cookies?"

"I ate 'em."

"Did you not hear him say they were only in the tin to keep the cookies fresh?"

"Yeah. I heard that. But I wanted marshmallows."

Oh, well. A stale Snickerdoodle is better than NO Snickerdoodle. Baby steps for the taming of Hick. Some forward, some back.


  1. Honestly, what is wrong with that man. (so go buy a bag of marshmallows) I would hide everything that I wanted in a safe place that he would never look. We also received goodies from friends. Every time my husband went into one of the containers to try/get something, he would bring a piece (or give me a bite) to me. He knows my favorites and even with regards to other things, of it's the last piece, he will ask me if I want to split it. It saddens me to say but I think Hick takes way too many steps backwards sometimes, before he takes one forward. Besides, isn't be supposed to not eat sweets? Come on Hick. Ranee

    1. I'm not to the point of hiding my treats yet. But Hick sometimes is heard munching on things that I know I haven't bought, so I guess HE DOES! Not because I would eat them, but because I might question if it's something he should be eating. Like a candy bar from Casey's when I see the wrapper stuffed down in his empty Diet Mountain Dew bottle that he leaves on the table beside his recliner.

      I'm glad Hick doesn't bring me bites of things! It's hard enough resisting on my own. Hick needs an eye in the back of his head, for all his backward-stepping shenanigans.

  2. I agree with Rae, take your share and hide them where Hick will never find them. Does he realise that marshmallows are 99% sugar?

    1. It wouldn't be hard to hide them, because Hick wouldn't put any effort into looking for them. Even if he knew that marshmallows are 99% sugar, it would make no difference to him!

  3. When I came in one morning, Tommy brought me three Hersheys Miniatures! Why would he bring me candy for breakfast. I had lost a few pounds AND I have diabetes. I can overeat on my own. That is funny about him eating the marshmallows. I had never had a snickerdoodle until last year, but I love them.

    1. That was a nice gesture, unless you are pretty sure Tommy is trying to kill you! The snickerdoodles I liked best were the ones that went wrong, and were flat like a Pop Tart, the ones Hick ate when I thought they were saved.
