Sunday, October 19, 2014

Val, the GIVER, is Given the Stink-Eye

Oh, how the worm has turned!

Val Thevictorian is no longer the life of the party, dancing merrily upon the faculty lunch table, a lampshade adorning her noggin, inciting all to good will and merriment. Now she is shunned, looked-at askance, persona non grata during the feedbag-strapping interlude.

Okay. So I never was the center of discussions with this group. My heyday has come and gone. I mostly chow down and clam up, not wanting to stir the pot, content to simmer silently and release my steam later. I sometimes nod in agreement. Add a pertinent fact, as long as it's something they could sip from the well of common knowledge, nothing robust that might leave a bad taste in their mouth.

It all started innocently enough. Somebody sipped coffee too quickly and coughed. Then another offered that the worst pain she ever had was when she took a drink of her piping hot coffee and sneezed some out her nose. And I saw an opening. A chance to contribute. Did I tell the story of my own high school lunch table, when I, the future valedictorian, sat across from an albino who laughed so hard at my joke that she shot a chili bean out her porcelain nostril? No. I did not tell that, because I feared that somebody might find such a tale off-putting. I did, however, use the moment to educate my dining companions on a recent bit of news from the world of science. Because I'm a giver like that.

"Hey! Did you see that story in the news yesterday? This lady went on vacation to some tropical country, and she kept having nosebleeds. She was kind of worried, but she didn't want to ruin her vacation. It wasn't a lot of blood, just a couple of drops here and there. She saw a little blob of congealed blood up in her nostril, kind of peeping out, but she did not want to dislodge it in case that would start a worse nosebleed. So she just left it alone, didn't pick at it, snorted it back in. As soon as she got back from vacation, she went to the doctor, and he pulled a 3-inch leech out of her nostril. He said she must have had it for about a month, and it kept getting bigger and bigger."

Well. You can't imagine how un-sciency and uninformed my colleagues are. The coffee snorter looked at me in pained horror. The dude who chews open-mouthed and rolls that food around on his tongue like a hot dog on a 7-Eleven Big Bite warmer closed his mouth and frowned at me. The gal who alternates meals of Ramen and Brach's Chocolate Covered Peanuts looked at me like "WTF?" And the one on my left who once squirted a tomato all over my shirt cupped her hand over her mouth like she might be refunding her lunch.

Seriously. I sit at that table and listen to their tales of their kids vomiting and how pink slime is used in fast food hamburgers and worm protein is in Taco Bell meat, and I don't have a conniption. Let the record show that only the worm-protein-cryer nodded that she, too, had read that story. It's not like I said that woman ATE the leech that the doctor pulled out of her nose. I don't know why they have to get all squeamish about nature.

I've half a mind not to share the scientific breakthrough in feces transplants. Did you hear? NOW the loose-boweled patients can take their feces transplant in a frozen capsule form. I don't know how they did it before, but this seems like it could only be an improvement.

For the strong of heart. The leech. Not the feces.


  1. At the teachers' table we were talking about...well, I don't even remember but it was gross and hilarious, and one of our "traveling" teachers was aghast.

    Hey, if you sit with the big dogs you sometimes get nipped.

  2. "Lady at beach fails to reach for leach, now knows to blow nose."

    How could you not forward that headline?

  3. A come to your blog for the humor, but stay for the education! Ha!

  4. Your lunch table is more fun than mine. I would KNOW if I had a leech up my nose.

  5. Sioux,
    Every party has its pooper. Who can now make extra money as a donor for feces transplants!

    joeh, could chalk it up to bitterness from sour grapes, what with my win record in your headline contest being as low as Cardinal pitcher Lance Lynn's lifetime batting average of .065.

    Or you could attribute it to my soft-hearted nature, not wanting to give you a computer virus from the original site where I saw this story.

    Val is like Certs. Two...two...two Vals in one!

    It IS an educational blog, you know. The humor is purely incidental. Now if I could only explain the true meaning of irony...I'd have the world by the tail.

    We can't all be as in tune with our proboscises as you, ma'am. That's precisely why you're not making headlines. Nobody wants to read: Lady at Beach Reaches for Leech, Has Always Known How to Blow Nose.

  6. I always have to come back for your comment comments!

  7. joeh,
    That's because I hook you with the title, work in a little bait-and-switch to elicit a comment, then REEL YOU IN WITH AN INSULT!
