Thursday, February 20, 2025

We're 2/3 of the Way to Spring. Someone Tell The Universe.

Val has grown tired of winter. It should be on the way out. With a whimper. Not strong-arming Val into staying home when she could be out buying her own scratchers. Hick's efforts are appreciated, but he is NOT known for his luck with gambling. On the tickets he brought home for me, I won $12 on Tuesday, and $9 on Wednesday. That is NOT a good return on my weekly allowance money.

Looks like we got 5-6 inches. This was a dry, fluffy snow. Very slippery on the roads. Not good for snowballs or snowmen. The good thing is that it will probably melt fast as temperatures rise, with sunlight, which we had until around noon. Unfortunately, temps did not leave the teens, and wind chill was below zero. 

Hick has volunteered to pick up The Pony and drop him off at work on Thursday morning. That will relieve The Pony of scraping off his car, and trying to get out of the driveway. Hick will be going by there anyway, to mail a bill for me, and Genius's weekly letter. Nothing keeps Hick at home. He's been working on Bargain House, and will be within a mile of The Pony's house anyway.

My plans are to stay home until Friday, when the temperature is supposed to reach 30 degrees. I figure our gravel roads will not be clear, but the town roads will be. And I won't freeze to death before help arrives if I get stuck somewhere.

This winter has grown tedious. It's not like I'm working, and appreciate a good snow day (or twenty).


  1. I too am sick of the snow here in Toronto! Give me a break already. This is a beautiful picture however! Tedious is the right word. My siste planned to come down from Syracuse but it just isn't safe. The snow is runing all the plans but at least we're warm and sheltered.

    1. Yes! Winter has had a good run. Time to move on! Better safe than sorry if traveling is not necessary in these conditions.

      I almost froze to death in the few seconds it took to get a picture out the kitchen door! I feel so bad for The Pony having to work in the cold, while I sit cozy in the kitchen, my heater cranked up under the table.

  2. I expect Hick has a pickup or an SUV with good tires that will get him through the snow. It doesn't look too bad (this North Dakota native said!)

    1. Hick has his truck, and also the Acadia, which are both 4WD. Didn't keep him from putting BOTH in a ditch a few years ago, on the day he had to pick me up from my Unfortunate HospitVALzation...

      This snow wasn't as bad as the ice/sleet/snowstorm that stayed on the roads for 30 days. The reason I'm staying home in this one is because of the temperatures. This morning it was -8. Real temp, not wind chill. I DO plan to venture out today, since it's supposed to reach 29 by afternoon, rather than staying in single digits.

  3. I find the tail end of winter tedious too, just like the tail end of summer when I'm desperate for less sweaty days.

    1. Yes, after so much of one, you wish for the other!

  4. It might be best that Hick is not stuck at home. I don't have snow, but I am sick of this cold. 22F is way too cold for me. This rarely happens in the South. Friday is the day I will get out, too.

    1. Best for both of us, heh, heh! Good luck with your outing. The Pony's pants froze yesterday. He sent me a video of them CRUNCHING at the end of the work day, but I can't post a video here that he sends me.
