Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Bargain House Begins: Kitchen

The kitchen of Bargain House needs almost everything! Flooring. Cabinets. I'm not sure about the countertop and sink. Hick says if he leaves the configuration the same, the counter and sink are good. However, he wants to make more cabinet space, and put a corner cabinet at each end. The windows are all fairly new, just not trimmed on the inside. That's a window over the sink, but Hick has it covered so people can't look in and see his tools and supplies.

This process is not a big deal for Hick. He found some cabinets on Facebook that were just the right measurements. However... he noted that they were currently in a 2nd floor apartment. So he didn't pursue them. I guess Hick DOES have a limit for how much effort he wants to put into acquiring materials. That's okay. Other cabinets will come along.

The doors are just stored there temporarily. Hick got them for $50 apiece at the VFW Store. He said they would cost $200 each if he bought them retail. They may not all be used in this house. Hick likes to hoard store things for future purposes. The space under the counter has a gas pipe, which Hick is not sure about. He said maybe there was some kind of oven there. Looking at the ceiling, I think maybe it used to be a stove area, and then someone took it out and put in that counter.

There were not any usable appliances in this kitchen. Hick will make sure it has a stove and refrigerator before we list it for sale. He's good at finding bargains like that. He plans to put them in the area at the right of the above picture, which was taken from the door to the kitchen. 

Here's another angle. The stove and refrigerator would go along that wall where the cabinet and old fridge are standing. With a corner cabinet to extend the counter a bit.

Oh, I misspoke (mistyped?) on the topic of the bathroom door. Hick said it was a 28-inch door that will fit there. Not a 24-inch door. "I HAVE a 24-inch door that I got at the same place. But I plan to use it for a closet." Val stands corrected.


  1. Is that a space to left of counter for a dishwasher?

    1. Nope. Not unless there's a dishwasher that runs on gas, without any water connections! I mentioned that gas pipe in the paragraph under the picture.

  2. It looks very Germanic. In a good way.

    1. I'll take your word for it. Hick has been to Germany. I have not.

  3. I'd say that was the oven space too, since the gas pipe is right there. I like Hick's plan, I can see it in my mind. A 28 inch door sounds much better!

    1. Yes. Why else would a gas pipe be there? Hick's plans usually turn out well, even though I can never figure them out from his descriptions and drawings.

  4. I love the blue color and shapes of the woodwork. It feels Scandinavian to me.

    1. Not sure if the blue color will stay, once Hick finds new cabinets to replace those.
