Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bargain House Tests Hick

Hick has been working on Bargain House all week, despite snow cover, with temps below zero at night, barely reaching the teens by day. On Thursday, Hick arrived to find Bargain House chilly.

"I went down in the cellar to check the gas furnace. It was heating, but not blowing the warm air. I got to looking at it, and found out it had a bad capacitor. I went to buy a new one and put it on, and got the furnace working again. I stopped by before picking up The Pony from work, and it was still running fine. I hope that's all it was, and that we don't need a new blower motor."

"How much did the capacitor cost?"

"Nothing. It was free. My buddy who runs the electric shop gave it to me. I think it would have been five dollars for him."

That's why Hick is such a prize. Not only can he take apart a furnace and figure out what's wrong, then fix it. He can also get FREE parts from a guy he spends Friday afternoons shooting the bull with.


  1. Hick sure is something else. A true treasure.

    1. Heh, heh! Hick is indeed "something else!" I complain about him a lot, but that's because life is all about ME. I wouldn't trade him for any amount of scratcher tickets.

  2. I sure wish I had a Hick in my area. Such a handy man. Years of experience and a natural knack have done him well. Way to go, Hick!! Ranee

    1. Hick is not one for reading instructions. He takes things apart and puts them back together. One of his projects that impressed me most was taking a semi truck and cutting it down, adding hydraulics, and turning it into a dump trunk. For that feat, Hick was paid the grand sum of a dinner for two with the buddy he did it for.

  3. Dang, you've got a great man! Anybody who can do what he does is a catch. Can he come fix my house? lol

    1. I'm sure he would fix your house, heh, heh!. I swear he does these projects for fun.

      Hick is always picking up jobs like remodeling. He gives a bid if somebody asks, and they can accept or not. Hick says he doesn't work by the hour, because then people get testy and complain if they see him taking a break. I wouldn't know, because it seems like he never takes a break.

  4. When a friend does something for me, I ask them to humor me and read the instructions. I have never had anyone turn me down on the reading. Of course, I almost never have anyone who has done this kind of job before. I actually think these guys are relieved to read. They don't do it before I ask because I think the guy does not was to seem like he does not know how to do the job. I asked Tommy to put one on for me. He did a great job. Hick sounds like a great handyman. Tommy is not a handyman, but will try simple things, certainly not a furnace.

    1. Hick thinks he knows more than the people who write the instructions. And he might! He's not one for reading. He works better with hands-on activities.

  5. I don't even know what a capacitor is, I'd have to call a repairman and pay out lots of $$$.

    1. Me too! And I'd be suspicious that they were scamming me. Like saying I need to change the air in T-Hoe's tires.

  6. The only capacitor that I knew about was the flux capacitor in the DeLorean in Back to the Future movie that allowed for time travel. Maybe Hick can hook me up with something like that. ;) Ranee

    1. That's what I always think of when Hick says "capacitor!" If there was such a real thing, Hick probably knows a guy who could get it for you cheap.
