Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Universe Continues to Mess With The Pony

Going about his job in a workmanlike manner on Tuesday, The Pony was once again the target of The Universe's warped sense of humor. I got a text on around noon. It included pictures.

No, The Pony does not have measles. Nor a rash from contact with a shipped substance.

The text itself initially made my heart skip a beat. Several beats.

"There has been a mishap and I, unfortunately, have been caught red-handed."

Then I saw the pictures.

"A thing of fruit punch flavoring mix tore open too far and my hands were sweaty!"

Let the record show that I bought The Pony a couple of boxes of plastic tubes of flavoring mix to add to his water bottles. One was lemon-lime, and the other was fruit punch. No good deed goes unpunished, I suppose. 

I showed Hick the pictures, and all he said was, "Is The Pony wearing gloves???"

No. That's the rubber bands that hold different packets of mail together. Most carriers do this to keep from dropping them in yards.

Anyhoo... it was a relief to find out The Pony was fine, though discolored. 

"I hope they don't think I'm a red-handed thief at the casino!"

Surely that won't be a problem... Hopefully that coloration will wash off or wear off by our upcoming casino trip.


  1. Ha! When I saw the first picture, I thought, "Oh no, now what did The Pony get into?" So glad to hear it wasn't a reaction to something like contact with some weed or plant:)

    1. It really DOES look like a rash in that photo!

  2. If Pony buys the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, that should take the stuff off his hands. I've used the Eraser to scrub off self tanner and hardly anything takes that off!

    1. I've heard of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, but I had no idea it worked on SKIN!

  3. That does look like some sort of nasty reaction. It even made my heart skip a beat.

    1. Yeah, you don't want to take a chance on anaphylactic shock!

  4. With that CE degree, I'm sure Pony will be able to get rid of that coloring pronto.

    1. Double, double, toil and trouble! I'm sure The Pony could whip up something in a cauldron to cure what ails him. He's always quoting reactions to me. Some of which I understand. Some needing explanation.

      Most of the redness was gone today. I'm thinking the secret formula was SOAP AND WATER!

  5. Soap and water, but if that doesn't work dish detergent usually will. I used to find fat red rubber bands around here dropped by the postman, but haven't seen any for a couple of years now.

    1. The Pony cleaned up pretty good for the casino. No accusations of red-handed cheating!

      When The Pony first started working at the post office, he would forget to take the rubber bands off his wrist, and bring them home. He had a good start on a rubber-band ball. Not sure what he's doing, now that he's no longer living with us.
