Saturday, January 20, 2024

What Better Way To Spend an 11-Degree Friday Night

Nowhere to go, nothing to do but sit inside and stay warm when the temperature outside is 11 degrees. The staying warm part was helped along by our supper of giant burritos.

Though Hick folds his in a big floppy square that cracks and falls apart, I put mine on a piece of foil, and build it to roll into a tube, with just the bottom folded over. There's hamburger cooked with a packet of taco seasoning, shredded cheddar, refried beans, a dash of Frank's Original RedHot Sauce, diced onions, shredded lettuce, sour cream, and salsa. I actually have more salsa on the side, to spoon on before a bite. Too much inside makes the bottom of my burrito soggy.

There it is, all rolled up with somewhere to go. My belly! I just tear off rings of foil as I eat my way to the end.

Of course I had my HIPPIE for entertainment purposes. Oh, and let's not forget my scratchers. Those $10 tickets just love me.

I had the CASH symbol, which means you win all the prizes, for a total of $100. I also had two more of these tickets. One of them won $25, and the other won $20. So a good night indeed for the scratcher allowance.  


  1. That looks delicious. It is 25F at noon on Saturday. Maybe I will have oats for lunch since I cannot make a burrito.

    1. It's 16 here, supposed to hit 19. At least we have bright sunlight. I don't have lunch, since my breakfast of a banana and fake honey nut cheerios is generally between 11:00 and 1:00. Tonight we're having the super nachos again, this time with the leftover burrito hamburger. I have plenty of black olives read to go for my topping!

    2. Often, I am eating at noon or one o'clock, and have either breakfast or lunch. I understand. I love black olives.

    3. Gotta have my black olives! Especially with nachos, or a turkey or ham sandwich from a holiday meal.

  2. The burrito looks delicious, except for the salsa which I don't like.

    1. Easy enough to leave off. And easy enough for me to have a ramekin of it on the side to supplement my burrito rations!

  3. Staying warm inside with good food and winning scratchers... what more does anyone need for a good day? Ha!

    1. I just made a big pot of beans with the Christmas ham bone. And I'm about ready to head to town for scratchers. Let's hope for a repeat!

  4. Way back when the twins were babies just learning to walk we had a friend who occasionally dated my mother-in-law. Funny man. He decided to cook for us one time in my kitchen (what a mess he made). He called his concoction "Glop". He used ground beef, tomatoes, chili sauce, black and green olives and I can't remember what else. It was too spicy for my liking and was full of bell pepper and onions. Indigestion soon followed the last spoon. I do love olives and mostly picke them out with chunks of grond beef to eat. Oh, I made him clean up my kitchen, too. I doubt he is still among the living, as he had a good 30 years on us. Thanks for triggering the memory! Temp here was 1 degree this morning. Eddie took a step out and decided the porch was as good a place as any to do his business and it froze almost immediately. I can't blame him!

    1. His intentions were good. I never would have imagined putting olives in that concoction. I'm with you on the bell peppers. That's why I won't eat (or make Hick) Manwich. I hate the peppers in it.

      At least Eddie can stay inside except for peeing. Our hounds have weathered the weather well. This is the last day of extreme temps. Back into the upper 20s and 30s (though a possible morning ice storm) on Monday, then up to 40s and 50s through the week.
