Friday, January 5, 2024

The Pony Is Back on His Hooves

The Pony got sick the day after Christmas, same as I did. Actually, about five hours before me. His illness was not at all like mine. It was worse! You may recall that poor Pony started feeling unwell about halfway to the casino, and once we were inside.

The Pony attributed his aching legs and arms to his heavy workload just before Christmas. The 12-hour days, delivering packages, skipping his days off to pull some overtime. Then he started to feel dizzy. His arms had the shakes. So we left a little earlier than planned. On the ride home, The Pony's forehead was feverish, according to the thermometer of Val's hand. At least the next day, Wednesday, was The Pony's regular day off.

Poor Pony! He was miserable. While I had merely a head cold that later spiked a fever off and on in the mid-101s, The Pony's temp stayed around 102 for three days. He knows this, because he ordered a thermometer when he had Nyquil and Dayquil delivered. The Pony had a cough so severe and prolonged that it gave him a headache to accompany his body aches. Even bathing in the steaming jetted bathtub did not relieve his aches. Nor make him feel warm. 

At least The Pony's appetite was not affected. He had food delivered. Basically lolled about the house, trying not to hurt, all hopped-up on Nyquil and Dayquil, popping pain-relievers. He called out sick on Thursday and Friday, due to the fever. Contemplated Saturday, but didn't feel up to working, so called in again. Besides, there was the little matter of THAT positive test result on Thursday. Sunday was a regular day off again. Monday was a holiday. 

The Pony had been without fever for three days, and decided to try working on Tuesday. The day was not off to a good start when he vomited in the shower. Just clear snot, but a bit discouraging. The Pony walked to work, not just due to dizziness, but to see if he would feel like walking his route. He asked for a route closer to the office, which was still walking loops, but had sections where he could take a bit of a rest. Nope. He was needed on his regular route over in Backroads.

Poor Pony. He sent me a picture of himself looking absolutely miserable. At first I thought he had a black eye, but it was just the lighting and his lack of good sleep. The Pony soldiered through. He sent a picture mid-afternoon of another stumbling block. A block where he might actually have stumbled!

There's some road construction in part of "downtown" where The Pony delivers. This is one occasion where I told him a mask outside might actually be of benefit! 

Poor Pony. He had been told that relief would be sent to him at 4:00, so he could start back toward the office. Yet at 4:17 the help had not arrived. 

Still managing to clock out around 5:00 as usual, The Pony said he did not feel well at all. That his cough was bothering him. I figured he had not eaten all day, nor had enough to drink, and told him to make sure to have a good supper. The Pony said he was drinking water at the moment, but that the thought of food made him nauseous. 

At least the next day was Wednesday, his day off! Hick went by to pick up The Pony's house payment, and give him the new car insurance cards. He had instructions to pick up anything The Pony might need, whether it be groceries, or a fast food lunch. The Pony said he didn't need anything. He ordered himself some pizza and breadsticks. Hick said The Pony came outside, and they walked around looking for where A SQUIRREL might be getting into his attic again. Said The Pony looked like he was getting better.

On Thursday, The Pony said he was feeling pretty good, back at work, though he got breathless if he tried to walk too fast. I think he's gonna make it!


  1. Glad to hear you're both on the mend.

    1. Hick was sneezing this afternoon... He wants to blame me and/or The Pony, even though we've been without fever for a week or more, and Hick has been galivanting across the county all willy-nilly, shaking hands with Storage Unit Store customers, playing bar bingo with a hundreds of people, and moseying around hardware stores.

  2. Poor pony. That sounds like quite an ordeal. My squirrel got into the attic by going under the house and up between walls. It was not a pretty sight.

    1. The squirrels had gnawed a hole in The Pony's house, I think, near the roof. Hick and Good Buddy patched it with a wire grate and wood after getting a couple squirrels out, but Hick says squirrels can chew through wire. Not sure of the next tactic. Maybe a metal plate. The Pony has just recently heard the resurgence of a squirrel presence in the attic. Probably the cold weather. The squirrels had stayed out for over 6 months.

  3. Oh, I feel for The Pony. It's no fun going to work, and especially when it's a physical job. Wishing him a speedy recovery. I hope Hick and Good Buddy can keep those squirrels out of The Pony's house for good. I can't imagine trying to get live squirrels out. I'd be too afraid to even try. Ha!

    1. I think The Pony is on the mend. My vote was for Hick to call an exterminator. Hick got them out once, using traps that apparently scared them, since they never caught anything in the traps!

      You are correct to be afraid! I was bitten by a GROUND SQUIRREL (our name for a chipmunk) once, and will never try to rescue one again.

  4. 102 on today's thermometers is 103.5 on the 1960 mercury ones...that is friggin sick! Chuck some vinegar soaked rags and or mothballs in the attic, squirrels don't like the smell. Course they probably just hold their noses and get in anyway!

    1. I used my mercury thermometer, and my fever was in the 101s. I'm sure The Pony used the newfangled style.

      Hick might have used some mothballs. He also shaved several bars of Irish Spring soap into slivers, and scatter them throughout the attic. Supposedly squirrels don't like Irish Spring. The little stinkers!

  5. I'm happy The Pony is recovering, but still think he needs to take things easy for at least a couple of weeks until he no longer gets breathless when walking faster than a snail.

    1. I agree that The Pony should take it slow. As slow as NEWWWWMAN, the Seinfeld postman.

  6. Glad he is on the mend, mothers always worry.

    1. Especially with my helicopter up on blocks!
