Saturday, January 27, 2024

Lunch and a Show: Part 1, The Lunch

Part of The Pony's route includes two metal boxes outside the post office in Backroads. They are like outdoor PO Boxes. There was no more room inside, where the boxes are old-timey style, build into the wall. A couple years ago, a loose dog in the neighborhood necessitated these outdoor mailboxes. The owner could never be contacted by law enforcement and animal control, so several blocks worth of homes now have to go to the post office and stand outside to open up their box and get their mail. Bureaucracy at its worst, but safer for the postal carriers, allowing them to keep their blood on the inside of their skin.

Anyhoo... across the street from these outdoor mailboxes is a restaurant. It used to be Italian, then vacant for a few years, and now Mexican.

"I wonder if Dad would want to go to lunch on Wednesday. I'd like to try that Mexican restaurant by the post office. Every day when I'm putting the mail in there around 10:00 or 10:30, I smell them cooking their sauces for the day."

"You know Dad. He's always willing to eat. He can either go for lunch, and miss his Senior Center food, or he can go for supper, and miss his bingo night."

"I'll probably tell him lunch, because I know how much he likes going to bingo."

So... Hick and The Pony strapped on the feedbag Wednesday afternoon.

Hick had the chimichanga. 

The Pony had fish tacos...

... with sides of rice and beans. The Pony had looked at the menu online, and wasn't sure if they would have refried beans, which he doesn't like due to the texture, or "regular" beans, like black beans or pinto beans. I'm sure he offered to share his beans with Hick.

It looks like Hick probably got a lunch special, and The Pony a full dinner. After all, Hick was going to bar bingo, where he would eat again, and this was likely The Pony's meal for the day.

Anyhoo... I think they both enjoyed their meal. And while driving The Pony home, Hick got another treat, which you'll find out about tomorrow.


  1. Replies
    1. The thought of fish tacos has always repulsed me, but I would have tried a bite off The Pony's plate.

  2. Outside boxes attached outdoors to PO building? I have never seen this.

    1. Nor have I. These are big square metal boxes on a metal post, imbedded into the sidewalk area next to the post office, containing individual postal boxes. Like those used by apartment complexes. The postal worker opens up the back to put mail in the individual boxes, then customers use a key for their little door in the front, to remove their mail.

  3. It looks delicious though I have no idea what a chimichanga actually is. I shall ask google. Isn't a fish taco just fish inside a taco shell? Or is there something else mixed in there that has you repulsed? I've never eaten tacos of any kind and get less adventurous with foods as I get older. I know what I like and I'm sticking with that.

    1. I always think of a fish taco as baked or raw fish, and don't associate it with a fried plank of fish. That's what puts me off. And maybe whatever that greenery is. Perhaps cilantro?

  4. I love a good chimichanga!! I like fish tacos, too. I don't like really hot spices, though. HeWho hates cilantro, he says it is too bitter.

    1. I agree with HeWho. I used to pick off the cilantro that came on my Walmart flat-bread pizza. It ruined the taste of the chicken and red onions and other toppings.
