Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Val Might Be Ready to Rejoin the World

I've been feeling a little better every day. Still hoarse, and with a sometimes cough, but able to get around with minimal dizziness, and stand to wash sink after sink of dishes freed from their Christmas leftovers. The dogs probably think Hick has finally succeeded in trying to kill me. I haven't stepped foot outside since last Tuesday night. 

The weather has forsaken me, now in the 30s rather than 60s like it was on Christmas Day. There has been some accumulated snow on the porch rail. Which does not make me yearn to get out.

I missed Mo Money Monday Tuesday on the day after Christmas. Now those brand new scratchers are not new any more. Surely there are some winners out there waiting to come home with Val. I was planning to go yesterday, but didn't feel like rushing around to shower. I was working on the finances concerning our flip house, the Double Hovel. Hick had two people contact him on New Year's Eve. One guy is trying to get approval for a higher loan, and the lady never showed up to tour the property on New Year's Day.

The Pony had a harsher bout of sickness, and is going back to work today for the first time. Hope he does okay. Hick is still miraculously sickness-free. He's a tough old buzzard!

With nothing else to discuss, I suppose I NEED to get back to town. Some weirdos might be missing their magnet.


  1. Hi Val, It's so good to hear that you are back to feeling more normal again and hope The Pony does okay at his first back to work day. I'm wishing you good luck on those scratchers:)

    1. Thanks! It's a crisp sunny day, so that's a plus. I plan on only two stops, the Gas Station Chicken Store, and 10Box for groceries. I am eager to try the new scratchers, and see what old ones they have taken out.

      The Pony was struggling with the overwhelmingness of it this morning, having vomited snot in the shower. Decided last night he was walking to work, as a test to see if he could do his route. He's on it now, hopefully not wearing a mask while outdoors, like he did while casing his mail inside.

  2. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Your comment about Hick being tough made me laugh. Judy can feel puny some days and blame it on the previous day's meal whereas I can eat the same thing (usually more of it than her) and have no problems. I always say it's because I have an iron gut!

    1. Thanks. I'm happy to be living, rather than just existing under a blanket and two jackets on the couch.

      Congrats on your iron gut. I'm pretty sure Hick has one somewhere near his tough old buzzard gizzard. He has eaten so many questionable food items, like old bread I have set out for the dogs, and lunch meat two weeks open, and gifted food he's hauled around in SilverRedO for many hours rather than bringing it home for refrigeration.

  3. I had my little bit of scratcher fun before Christmas, when I spent $8 and won $20. That will hold me until next Christmas.

    1. Wow! You are on fire with your lottery lately. Almost as if Even Steven got bored with watching me snooze on the short couch, and took a little vacation.

      Today I brought home a new $10 ticket, and it won $50. That was a thrill, after a week of not scratching.

  4. I am itching to start scratching, but I don't know where to go. I am glad you are better. Cold weather does not inspire me to evn look outdoors.

    1. Noooo! Do not be seduced by the scratcher itch! You'd be better off taking money you might think of spending on scratchers, and putting it in an envelope to save until the end of the year. Or month. Or week. Then you'll still have that money, in a convenient lump, to spend on something you want.

      It has taken me a lifetime (well, about 20 years) to amass my scratcher/casino bankroll. That's from saving partial wins and big wins, and reinvesting some of it in my gambling hobby. Hick has nothing to show for his casino trips. He only buys occasional scratchers, maybe a couple every three months or so.

      The bright sun lures me out, but the cold wind makes me reconsider! I feel normal today, except for a bit of stuffiness in my nose and ears.

  5. My son-in-law did the clean up after Christmas dinner. I washed all the dishes we used to get the meal ready, so all he had to do was put away leftovers and tackle the serving dishes since paper plates were used. I offered to wash some of the serving dishes that said handwash only on the back, but he said he didin' care what it said, it was going in the dishwasher!! He thinks everything should be disposable. There was just something wrong about eating prime rib on a paper plate, even the high quality paper plate! We even used platic utensils! And yet, in this huge lovely kitchen full of china and lovely silver ware there were TWO kitchenaid mixers with all the accesories. When I asked Adrienne why she had two, she asked "Why not?" She is her father's daughter!

    1. I take a lot of shortcuts, but I WILL serve holiday meals on real plates. No fine china, but at least mediocre glass. And metal utensils. Hear that? My High Horse is whinnying in agreement.
