Monday, August 14, 2017

Val Suffers Rigorous Mortification

The earth was nearly knocked off its axis this afternoon, my friends, by a faux pas so cataclysmic that Val may never be able to show her face in the gas station chicken store again!

I stopped by to pick up my daily 44 oz Diet Coke. The time was around 1:00, it being the last of my errands that began at 10:30 when I left home. Ahh...the sweet, sweet unsweetened nectar that I live for. My magical elixir. My heart skipped a beat when I saw a small cardboard Pepsi cup sitting under the Diet Coke spigot.

Was there a malfunction? No handwritten sign was taped up. So I moved that Pepsi cup over, pulled a 44 oz foam cup, and began filling my vat with Diet Coke. It looked fine. I took a sip before putting on the lid. Not to scam some extra before paying, but to make sure it wasn't too full, to prevent seepage through the lid as T-Hoe bounced over hill and dale on my dusty trail home. Tasted just right! I didn't see anything wrong on the soda fountain, so I threw away the Pepsi cup. Some ne'er-do-well slob must have quenched his thirst for free. My lid didn't fit right, the rim of the cup being flattened on one side from the the cup holder. So I threw away the lid that cracked, and put on another one.

My timing was just right. The other customer had been taken care of, and the Stern Old Gal Clerk, who was just going off duty, had bought herself a couple of items. She was chatting with the Lady Owner out front of the counter, while the Man Owner manned the register. They were talking about a washing machine malfunction, and subsequent carpet flooding.

I paid, and bought two lottery tickets (won $30), and told the Man Owner my own washing machine malfunction story. Then Stern Old Gal Clerk left, and Lady Owner came over to talk. It was an unusual lull without customers streaming in, or weirdos asking me for booze money. As we were having our gabfest, I'd moved my tickets and cup over, in front of the register, in case somebody came in and wanted to check out, or see the lottery tickets under glass on the counter. As I was chatting, my cup felt unstable. You know how they are so slim at the bottom. I raised my hand up a little for a better grip, to push it back a bit, and


Oh, the Diet-Coke-manity! Such a catastrophe. The Lady Owner looked down, and it was like slow motion. We both knew what was going on, but we couldn't react. Then she hollered to her husband, "GET THE WASTEBASKET!"

Problem was, that hole was so far down the cup that most of my magical elixir had already escaped. A small pond on the counter, and a larger lake on the floor. Man Owner flipped up the part of the counter that's like a drawbridge, and rushed out with the wastebasket and a roll of paper towels. I picked up some boxes of little cigars and caffeine pills that were being inundated. We wiped them off. I helped swab up the pool on the floor. Then Lady Owner told Man Owner to get the mop. "Funny how the mop fits his hand WAY BETTER here than at home," she said.

We got the spill contained without any other customers encroaching the disaster area. I apologized profusely. "I'm SO embarrassed. I probably won't even be able to show my face in here least a DAY!"

"Oh, this is nothing. We're used to it," said Man Owner as his wife was pulling back the register and directing him to wipe the counter of its Diet-Coke-and-dust slime.

"You didn't see ANY of this, right?" said Woman Owner. Who runs a tight ship, and usually has that place smelling like bleach on days she is there. I fear that heads may roll at this exposure. But at least it's not mine.

"Go get yourself another soda," said Man Owner. Of course I demurred. But when he said it again, I caved. THAT is customer service.

Let the record show that Val is absolutely mortified by her uncouth behavior. If she was a dude, and an actor, and really good-looking, and stalked lusted after adored favored by blog buddy Sioux...her name might be Riggo Mortifson.


  1. I'm glad they didn't charge you for that replacement cup.

    1. Yes. But at $1.69 a day, for the 455 days, I think they didn't lose money on me. I DID feel guilty, though, because I'd already used TWO lids, and this made it three lids and two cups.

      Let the record show that I never take a straw. So there's that.

  2. Val--It sounds like this experience scarred you. Psychological scars. Scars that will last a lifetime without some therapy... or a large settlement.

    I think you should sue that gas station for having faulty foam cups. You were embarrassed. You considered not coming back (for 24 hours). That spill will impact the rest of your life.

    Seriously, think WWSD? She'd sue.

    1. Yes, it's always good to take advice from you, Madam, the only person I've ever seen almost get the bum's rush out of the gas station chicken store.

      They will tolerate folks flinging 44 ounces of soda all over the place, but not a woman with her head on a stick, taking pictures of it leaning against assorted food and beverage stations.

  3. You must have a ninja karate thumb to punch a hole though that cup so easily.

    1. My skills do not go unnoticed. In fact, a freshman boy told me only two years ago: "Wow! You're a ninja!"

      That was NOT just my thumb, but my ability to take the wooden doorstop with my toe, and kick it into place while simultaneously flinging the door open against the wall. One smooth move.

      "I'm a ninja!" That's what I said to other kids who gaped at me when witnessing this feat for the first time.

      Let the record show that I had very few discipline problems. Thanks, most likely, to the students never being fully convinced that I was sane.

  4. Well this could be a blessing, really it's a good thing that it happened there on the the counter rather than while you were lifting it out of the cup holder while driving T-Hoe at warp speed down the road. That could have been a mess... a little embarrassment is better than cleaning coke out of a cup holder and surrounding areas.

    1. Well, it couldn't have happened while I was driving, because I never pick it up. I only take my 44 oz home for casual sipping throughout the afternoon and evening. And because it's really awkward to pick up out of the cup holder. I have to get it by the top, mainly, until I can get another hand under it.

      T-Hoe was saved, though. Because that lid didn't fit right anyway on the first cup, and it could have crunched in while taking the soda out of the cup holder in the garage.

  5. You have no reason at all to be mortified, it isn't your fault the cup had a weak spot. I am pleased you helped clean up though. I've been on the working side of a checkout and a lot of customers who spill stuff just look the other way and pretend the mess isn't there and isn't theirs. From all checkout chicks everywhere, THANK YOU.

    1. You're welcome. I was a checkout chick for several months at a Casey's General Store. I know what they're going through.

  6. It's not your fault if cups tend to explode!!

    1. I tried to rationalize like that. But nobody else's cup exploded! That I know of, and judging from the state of the dust dinosaurs under the register.
