"Fingers crossed I can remember not to scratch my nose/rub my eyes/eat Skittles with my right hand. Pepper spray blowback from scaring off a loose dog."
That was not sufficient for Evil Steven! Forty minutes later, another Pony text:
"Aghhhhh. Was rubbing dust out of my eye that did it."
Sooo... The Pony "pepper-sprayed" himself on that windy, windy day. The good new is that the pepper spray was effective in repelling the loose dog. The bad news is that The Pony was a bit teary through the afternoon. He was home on time.
"Took a shower to be damn sure it's off my hands."
I think The Pony might appreciate a dull day at work occasionally...
Gloves might have helped.
ReplyDeleteYes. But it's hard to sort through the mail with gloves. Even in below-zero temps, the carriers need gloves that expose the fingertips, to use their scanner. On a day like this, with the temperature at 70, any gloves make the hands too sweaty.
DeleteIn a perfect world, The Pony would know when a random dog might attack, and be prepared for defense. In reality, there's no time to put on gloves, pull the pepper spray, or get the satchel ready to put between himself and the snarling dog's teeth. That's why he's been bitten four or five times. I've lost count.
So sorry about the pepper spray. Perhaps next time he could turn his back to the wind and then spray the dog? If there's time of course.
ReplyDeleteIt's fight or flight when a loose dog is coming at The Pony. After being bitten several times, two of them fairly serious, there's no time for logical thinking about wind direction. I imagine the main thought is DON'T BITE ME! With a reflex action to prevent it, involving the pepper spray and positioning of the satchel to block the teeth.
DeleteI once zapped my own self with a stun gun while walking my dog. Drew insisted I carry one on my walks, since I went through some heavily wooded areas. I was walking a Saint Bernard, so I doubt I needed the stun gun attached to my key chain that was attached to a belt loop. I am sure you can figure out how it happened. Poor Pony can't seem to catch a break!
ReplyDeleteI guess you were "stunned" when it went off, heh, heh! The Pony must still be evening out the karma from his $16,000 casino jackpot. If so, I fear he has a long way to go.