Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Pony Fights Possible Crime

Never a dull day at work for The Pony. Friday started off with a surprising discovery.

"Well, this is a new one. I found someone's social security card blowing along the grass."

"Can you tell the address from the names on your mail?"

"That's what I'll try. With the wind, though, I genuinely don't know. It could've come from anywhere. If I can't match it by tomorrow, I'll give it to the city carrier on the route with the social security office."


"Better than letting it tumble around in Backroads. Since it was actively blowing around when I managed to step on and snatch it."

"Thwarting possible crime with every step!"

The winds were fierce that day. At least 30 mph. I even hated to get out, but the scratchers were calling me. The dirty, dirty, losing liars!

Still, The Pony might have prevented somebody a big headache of identity theft by his actions. You never know who you can trust these days. At least there's one mail carrier who can be counted on to do the right thing.


  1. Once again, The Pony reinstates my faith in mankind. Good job. (To you for raising such a fine young man and to The Pony, for doing what is right.)

    1. The Pony has good values. I'd like to think I helped instill them. He could have easily let that SS card blow away, or looked at it and tossed it back down so as not to expend extra effort seeing that it gets returned.

  2. I've done something similar, when finding a bankcard on the ground I took it to the nearest branch of that particular bank and handed it over so they could return it to the owner. I hoped no one had used it until the funds were gone and then just tossed it.

    1. Kudos to you for being a crime-fighter!

  3. I certainly would have appreciated someone finding and giving me back my ss card. Good for him.

    1. Yes, just to know that it wasn't floating around waiting for somebody to steal the identity for no-good purposes. I don't know where The Pony found the SS card, but the wind was bad that day. The driver's license office is on his route. It could have come from somebody getting their first license. I can't imagine why anybody would have their card out for regular everyday activities.

      The Pony could not match the name with an address on his route. So this morning he gave the SS card to the carrier who delivers to the SS office in the town where the main post office is located.

  4. We will need to get a cape for the Pony's crime fighting efforts!

    1. That would be amazing, as long as the loose dogs don't use it to sink their teeth into and drag The Pony around!
