Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Pony Has a Repeat Tussle with a Canine

After a spate of calm, The Pony was once again accosted by a canine. I was not notified until after the fact, once The Pony was home and safe.

"Oh, yeah. Not to worry you, but I had a problem with a dog again. The dog I pepper-sprayed before was loose again and tried to bite."


"No actual bite. Just lines of spit from the teeth as I jerked the leg back to kick/smack it with my bag."

"Keep that spray handy! And knock the crap out of it with the bag!!! Show it who's boss while yelling 'NO!' Did you report it? Or do something with the dog card?"

"I did, yeah."

"That's about all you can do, I guess. I'm sorry you have to deal with this."

Not as severe as it could have been, since The Pony was able to get a picture of the culprit during (or after or before) the tussle.

Still, it was a good outcome for a bad situation. There oughta be a law... Oh, wait! There IS. Not sure how the city gets away with not enforcing the dog laws, when such incidents are reported almost daily by the post office supervisor.


  1. Show a picture of the vile creature.

    1. The picture is there. Unless you're talking about the owner, heh, heh!

  2. I'm always suspicious of dogs with pale blue eyes.

    1. Heh, heh! The Pony said only that one eye was "killer blue," and the other was normal brown.

  3. It probably depends on who owns the dog.

    1. I'd say that's quite possible, because a lot of things around here depend on "who you know." But The Pony has so much trouble with dogs on this route that I'm inclined to believe it's just a case of somebody not following through with their city job.

  4. I am glad Pony has the spray and a bag to kick/hit with. Folks ought to be denied mail if they have an animal that chargers at the carrier multiple times. No excuses.

    1. Always keeping the bag between yourself and the dog is part of the carrier's training, and they are provided with the dog spray. As for any other defense tactics... a mauling is not worth your job. You do what you gotta do to survive.

      The policy IS to stop delivery to the house with a dog problem, after a warning and opportunity to keep the dog put up during delivery hours. I think this might be one of the dogs that affects several streets on The Pony's route, due to the location of the house and how far the dog ranges.

      I asked The Pony how he got a picture during the attack. He said this is AFTER the dog backed off from leaving saliva marks on his leg. And that he wanted to show the supervisor WHICH dog it was, proving it to be a repeat offender.

    2. Egads! This dog is definitely going to get mail delivery stopped in that area. I am glad he had picture evidence but it is sucky he has to do all this in the first place.

    3. It has happened before, prior to The Pony taking over that route. Metal PO boxes were built outside the post office for those people to fetch their mail every day. In fact, The Pony is the one who places their mail in those boxes now.

      I'm not sure I could stand there and take a picture of a dog that was trying to bite me!
